Source code for dae.annotation.annotation_pipeline

"""Provides annotation pipeline class."""

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import logging
from import Iterator, Mapping
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional

from dae.annotation.annotatable import Annotatable
from dae.genomic_resources.repository import (
from dae.variants.variant import SummaryAllele

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass(init=False, eq=True, unsafe_hash=True) class AttributeInfo: """Defines annotation attribute configuration.""" def __init__(self, name: str, source: str, internal: bool, parameters: ParamsUsageMonitor | dict[str, Any], _type: str = "str", description: str = "", documentation: Optional[str] = None): = name self.source = source self.internal = internal if isinstance(parameters, ParamsUsageMonitor): self.parameters = parameters else: self.parameters = ParamsUsageMonitor(parameters) self.type = _type self.description = description self._documentation = documentation name: str source: str internal: bool parameters: ParamsUsageMonitor type: str = "str" # str, int, float, annotatable, or object description: str = "" # interpreted as md _documentation: Optional[str] = None @property def documentation(self) -> str: if self._documentation is None: return self.description return self._documentation
[docs]@dataclass(init=False) class AnnotatorInfo: """Defines annotator configuration.""" def __init__(self, _type: str, attributes: list[AttributeInfo], parameters: ParamsUsageMonitor | dict[str, Any], documentation: str = "", resources: Optional[list[GenomicResource]] = None, annotator_id: str = "N/A"): self.type = _type self.annotator_id = f"{annotator_id}" self.attributes = attributes self.documentation = documentation if isinstance(parameters, ParamsUsageMonitor): self.parameters = parameters else: self.parameters = ParamsUsageMonitor(parameters) if resources is None: self.resources = [] else: self.resources = resources annotator_id: str = field(compare=False, hash=None) type: str attributes: list[AttributeInfo] parameters: ParamsUsageMonitor documentation: str = "" resources: list[GenomicResource] = field(default_factory=list) def __hash__(self) -> int: attrs_hash = "".join(str(hash(attr)) for attr in self.attributes) resources_hash = "".join(str(hash(res)) for res in self.resources) params_hash = "".join(str(hash(self.parameters))) return hash(f"{self.type}{attrs_hash}{resources_hash}{params_hash}")
[docs]class Annotator(abc.ABC): """Annotator provides a set of attrubutes for a given Annotatable.""" def __init__(self, pipeline: Optional[AnnotationPipeline], info: AnnotatorInfo): self.pipeline = pipeline self._info = info self._is_open = False
[docs] def get_info(self) -> AnnotatorInfo: return self._info
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def annotate( self, annotatable: Optional[Annotatable], context: dict[str, Any], ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Produce annotation attributes for an annotatable."""
[docs] def close(self) -> None: self._is_open = False
[docs] def open(self) -> Annotator: self._is_open = True return self
[docs] def is_open(self) -> bool: return self._is_open
@property def resources(self) -> list[GenomicResource]: return self._info.resources @property def resource_ids(self) -> set[str]: return {resource.get_id() for resource in self._info.resources} @property def attributes(self) -> list[AttributeInfo]: return self._info.attributes @property def used_context_attributes(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: return tuple() def _empty_result(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return { None for attribute_info in self._info.attributes}
[docs]class AnnotationPipeline: """Provides annotation pipeline abstraction.""" def __init__( self, repository: GenomicResourceRepo): self.repository: GenomicResourceRepo = repository self.annotators: list[Annotator] = [] self._is_open = False
[docs] def get_info(self) -> list[AnnotatorInfo]: return [annotator.get_info() for annotator in self.annotators]
[docs] def get_attributes(self) -> list[AttributeInfo]: return [attribute_info for annotator in self.annotators for attribute_info in annotator.attributes]
[docs] def get_attribute_info( self, attribute_name: str) -> Optional[AttributeInfo]: for annotator in self.annotators: for attribute_info in annotator.get_info().attributes: if == attribute_name: return attribute_info return None
[docs] def get_resource_ids(self) -> set[str]: return {r_id for annotator in self.annotators for r_id in annotator.resource_ids}
[docs] def get_annotator_by_attribute_info( self, attribute_info: AttributeInfo, ) -> Optional[Annotator]: for annotator in self.annotators: if attribute_info in annotator.attributes: return annotator return None
[docs] def add_annotator(self, annotator: Annotator) -> None: assert isinstance(annotator, Annotator) self.annotators.append(annotator)
[docs] def annotate(self, annotatable: Annotatable, context: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict: """Apply all annotators to an annotatable.""" if not self._is_open: if context is None: context = {} for annotator in self.annotators: attributes = annotator.annotate(annotatable, context) context.update(attributes) return context
[docs] def open(self) -> AnnotationPipeline: """Open all annotators in the pipeline and mark it as open.""" if self._is_open: logger.warning("annotation pipeline is already open") return self assert not self._is_open for annotator in self.annotators: self._is_open = True return self
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the annotation pipeline.""" for annotator in self.annotators: try: annotator.close() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.error( "exception while closing annotator %s", annotator.get_info(), exc_info=True) self._is_open = False
def __enter__(self) -> AnnotationPipeline: return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_value: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: TracebackType | None) -> None: if exc_type is not None: logger.error( "exception during annotation: %s, %s, %s", exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, exc_info=True) self.close()
[docs]class ReannotationPipeline(AnnotationPipeline): """Special pipeline that handles reannotation of a previous pipeline.""" AnnotationDependencyGraph = dict[ AnnotatorInfo, list[tuple[AnnotatorInfo, AttributeInfo]], ] def __init__( self, pipeline_new: AnnotationPipeline, pipeline_old: AnnotationPipeline, ): """Produce a reannotation pipeline between two annotation pipelines.""" super().__init__(pipeline_new.repository) self.pipeline_new: AnnotationPipeline = pipeline_new self.pipeline_old: AnnotationPipeline = pipeline_old infos_new = pipeline_new.get_info() infos_old = pipeline_old.get_info() self.dependency_graph = ReannotationPipeline.build_dependency_graph( pipeline_new, ) self.attributes_deleted: list[str] = [] for deleted_info in [i for i in infos_old if i not in infos_new]: for attr in deleted_info.attributes: if not attr.internal: self.attributes_deleted.append( self.annotators_new: set[AnnotatorInfo] = { i for i in infos_new if i not in infos_old } self.annotators_rerun: set[AnnotatorInfo] = set() for i in self.annotators_new: for dep in self.get_dependencies_for(i): self.annotators_rerun.add(dep) for dep in self.get_dependents_for(i): self.annotators_rerun.add(dep) for annotator in self.pipeline_new.annotators: info = annotator.get_info() if info in self.annotators_new or info in self.annotators_rerun: self.annotators.append(annotator) self.attributes_reused: dict[str, AttributeInfo] = {} for annotator in self.annotators: info = annotator.get_info() for (dep_annotator, dep_attr) in self.dependency_graph[info]: if dep_annotator in infos_old \ and dep_annotator not in self.annotators_rerun: self.attributes_reused[] = dep_attr logger.debug("REANNOTATION SUMMARY:") logger.debug("DELETED ATTRIBUTES - %s", self.attributes_deleted) logger.debug("REUSED ATTRIBUTES - %s", self.attributes_reused) logger.debug("NEW ANNOTATORS - %s", self.annotators_new) logger.debug("RE-RUNNING ANNOTATORS - %s", self.annotators_rerun)
[docs] @staticmethod def build_dependency_graph( pipeline: AnnotationPipeline, ) -> AnnotationDependencyGraph: """Make dependency graph for an annotation pipeline.""" graph: ReannotationPipeline.AnnotationDependencyGraph = {} for annotator in pipeline.annotators: annotator_info = annotator.get_info() if annotator_info not in graph: graph[annotator_info] = [] for attr in annotator.used_context_attributes: attr_info = pipeline.get_attribute_info(attr) assert attr_info is not None upstream_annotator = \ pipeline.get_annotator_by_attribute_info(attr_info) assert upstream_annotator is not None graph[annotator_info].append( (upstream_annotator.get_info(), attr_info), ) return graph
[docs] def get_dependencies_for(self, info: AnnotatorInfo) -> set[AnnotatorInfo]: """Get all dependencies for a given annotator.""" result: set[AnnotatorInfo] = set() if info in self.dependency_graph: for annotator, attr in self.dependency_graph[info]: if attr.internal: result.add(annotator) dependencies = self.get_dependencies_for(annotator) if dependencies: result.add(*dependencies) return result
[docs] def get_dependents_for(self, info: AnnotatorInfo) -> set[AnnotatorInfo]: """Get all dependents for a given annotator.""" result: set[AnnotatorInfo] = set() for dependent, dependencies in self.dependency_graph.items(): if not dependencies: continue for dep_annotator, _ in dependencies: if dep_annotator == info: result.add(dependent) further = self.get_dependents_for(dependent) if further: result.add(*further) return result
[docs] def annotate(self, annotatable: Annotatable, record: dict) -> dict: # type: ignore # pylint: disable=arguments-renamed reused_context: dict[str, Any] = {} for attr_name, attr in self.attributes_reused.items(): raw_value = record[attr_name] converted_value: Any = None if attr.type == "int": converted_value = int(raw_value) elif attr.type == "float": converted_value = float(raw_value) elif attr.type == "annotatable": converted_value = Annotatable.from_string(raw_value) elif attr.type == "object": raise ValueError("Cannot deserialize object attribute - ", attr_name) reused_context[attr_name] = converted_value return super().annotate(annotatable, reused_context)
[docs] def annotate_summary_allele(self, allele: SummaryAllele) -> dict: annotatable = allele.get_annotatable() reused_context: dict[str, Any] = {} for attr_name, _ in self.attributes_reused.items(): reused_context[attr_name] = allele.get_attribute(attr_name) return super().annotate(annotatable, reused_context)
[docs] def get_attributes(self) -> list[AttributeInfo]: return self.pipeline_new.get_attributes()
[docs]class AnnotatorDecorator(Annotator): """Defines annotator decorator base class.""" def __init__(self, child: Annotator): super().__init__(child.pipeline, child.get_info()) self.child = child
[docs] def close(self) -> None: self.child.close()
[docs] def open(self) -> Annotator: return
[docs] def is_open(self) -> bool: return self.child.is_open()
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: return getattr(self.child, name)
[docs]class InputAnnotableAnnotatorDecorator(AnnotatorDecorator): """Defines annotator decorator to use input annotatable if defined."""
[docs] @staticmethod def decorate(child: Annotator) -> Annotator: if "input_annotatable" in child.get_info().parameters: return InputAnnotableAnnotatorDecorator(child) return child
def __init__(self, child: Annotator): super().__init__(child) assert "input_annotatable" in self._info.parameters self.input_annotatable_name = \ self._info.parameters["input_annotatable"] if not self.pipeline: raise ValueError( "InputAnnotableAnnotatorDecorator can only work " "within a pipeline") att_info = self.pipeline.get_attribute_info( self.input_annotatable_name) if att_info is None: available_attributes = \ ",".join([f"'{}' [{att.type}]" for att in self.pipeline.get_attributes()]) raise ValueError(f"The attribute '{self.input_annotatable_name}' " "has not been defined before its use. The " "available attributes are: " f"{available_attributes}") if att_info.type != "annotatable": raise ValueError(f"The attribute '{self.input_annotatable_name}' " "is expected to be of type annotatable.") self.child._info.documentation += \ f"\n* **input_annotatable**: `{self.input_annotatable_name}`" @property def used_context_attributes(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: return (*self.child.used_context_attributes, self.input_annotatable_name)
[docs] def annotate( self, _: Optional[Annotatable], context: dict[str, Any], ) -> dict[str, Any]: input_annotatable = context[self.input_annotatable_name] if input_annotatable is None or \ isinstance(input_annotatable, Annotatable): return self.child.annotate(input_annotatable, context) raise ValueError( f"The object with a key {input_annotatable} in the " f"annotation context {context} is not an Annotabable.", )
[docs]class ValueTransformAnnotatorDecorator(AnnotatorDecorator): """Define value transformer annotator decorator."""
[docs] @staticmethod def decorate(child: Annotator) -> Annotator: """Apply value transform decorator to an annotator.""" value_transformers: dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]] = {} for attribute_info in child.get_info().attributes: if "value_transform" in attribute_info.parameters: transform_str = attribute_info.parameters["value_transform"] try: # pylint: disable=eval-used transform = eval(f"lambda value: { transform_str }") except Exception as error: raise ValueError( f"The value trasform |{transform_str}| is " f"sytactically invalid.", error) from error value_transformers[] = transform # pylint: disable=protected-access attribute_info._documentation = \ f"{attribute_info.documentation}\n\n" \ f"**value_transform:** {transform_str}" if value_transformers: return ValueTransformAnnotatorDecorator(child, value_transformers) return child
def __init__(self, child: Annotator, value_transformers: dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]]): super().__init__(child) self.value_transformers = value_transformers
[docs] def annotate( self, annotatable: Optional[Annotatable], context: dict[str, Any], ) -> dict[str, Any]: result = self.child.annotate(annotatable, context) return {k: (self.value_transformers[k](v) if k in self.value_transformers else v) for k, v in result.items()}
[docs]class ParamsUsageMonitor(Mapping): """Class to monitor usage of annotator parameters.""" def __init__(self, data: dict[str, Any]): self._data = dict(data) self._used_keys: set[str] = set([]) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(tuple(sorted(self._data.items()))) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: self._used_keys.add(key) return self._data[key] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._data) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator: raise ValueError("Should not iterate a parameter dictionary.") def __repr__(self) -> str: return self._data.__repr__() def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, ParamsUsageMonitor): return False return self._data == other._data
[docs] def get_used_keys(self) -> set[str]: return self._used_keys
[docs] def get_unused_keys(self) -> set[str]: return set(self._data.keys()) - self._used_keys