Allowed Configuration Values ============================ This is a reference list of allowed values for various configuration variables and attributes. .. _allowed_values_booleans: Booleans -------- * ``yes`` * ``Yes`` * ``true`` * ``True`` * ``no`` * ``No`` * ``false`` * ``False`` .. _allowed_values_gene_effect_types: Gene effect types ----------------- * ``3'UTR`` * ``3'UTR-intron`` * ``5'UTR`` * ``5'UTR-intron`` * ``frame-shift`` * ``intergenic`` * ``intron`` * ``missense`` * ``no-frame-shift`` * ``no-frame-shift-newStop`` * ``noEnd`` * ``noStart`` * ``non-coding`` * ``non-coding-intron`` * ``nonsense`` * ``splice-site`` * ``synonymous`` * ``CDS`` * ``CNV+`` * ``CNV-`` .. _allowed_values_gene_effect_groups: Gene effect groups ------------------ This lists the valid gene effect groups and which effect types they encompass. * Coding * ``Nonsense`` * ``Frame-shift`` * ``Splice-site`` * ``No-frame-shift-newStop`` * ``Missense`` * ``No-frame-shift`` * ``noStart`` * ``noEnd`` * ``Synonymous`` * Noncoding * ``Non coding`` * ``Intron`` * ``Intergenic`` * ``3'-UTR`` * ``5'-UTR`` * CNV * ``CNV+`` * ``CNV`` * LGDs * ``Frame-shift`` * ``Nonsense`` * ``Splice-site`` * ``No-frame-shift-newStop`` * Nonsynonymous * ``Nonsense`` * ``Frame-shift`` * ``Splice-site`` * ``No-frame-shift-newStop`` * ``Missense`` * ``No-frame-shift`` * ``noStart`` * ``noEnd`` * UTRs * ``3'-UTR`` * ``5'-UTR`` .. _allowed_values_sex: Sex --- * ``0`` or ``U`` or ``unspecified`` * ``1`` or ``M`` or ``male`` * ``2`` or ``F`` or ``female`` .. _allowed_values_inheritance: Inheritance ----------- * ``reference`` * ``mendelian`` * ``denovo`` * ``possible_denovo`` * ``omission`` * ``other`` * ``missing`` * ``unknown`` .. _allowed_values_role: Role ---- * ``maternal_grandmother`` * ``maternal_grandfather`` * ``paternal_grandmother`` * ``paternal_grandfather`` * ``mom`` * ``dad`` * ``parent`` * ``prb`` * ``sib`` * ``child`` * ``maternal_half_sibling`` * ``paternal_half_sibling`` * ``half_sibling`` * ``maternal_aunt`` * ``maternal_uncle`` * ``paternal_aunt`` * ``paternal_uncle`` * ``maternal_cousin`` * ``paternal_cousin`` * ``step_mom`` * ``step_dad`` * ``spouse`` * ``unknown`` .. _allowed_values_status: Status ------ Unspecified values indicate unknown status. * ``0``: unknown * ``1``: unaffected * ``2``: affected .. _allowed_values_variant_type: VariantType ----------- * ``sub`` or ``substitution`` * ``ins`` or ``insertion`` * ``del`` or ``deletion`` * ``complex`` * ``CNV``