.. _genomic_scores_db: Genomic Scores Configuration ============================ This configuration file hosts the list of all available genomic scores and the properties of their histograms. Example Configuration --------------------- .. code-block:: ini [genomicScores] scores = mpc,cadd_gs_raw [genomicScores.mpc] id = mpc file = %(wd)s/genomicScores/mpc desc = MPC - Missense badness, PolyPhen-2, and Constraint bins = 100 yscale = log xscale = linear range = 0,1 [genomicScores.cadd_gs_raw] id = cadd_gs_raw file = %(wd)s/genomicScores/cadd_raw_gs desc = CADD GS raw bins = 101 yscale = log xscale = linear help_file = %(wd)s/genomicScores/cadd_raw_gs.md [genomicScores.cadd_gs_phred] id = cadd_gs_phred file = %(wd)s/genomicScores/cadd_phred_gs desc = CADD GS phred bins = 101 yscale = log xscale = linear help_file = %(wd)s/genomicScores/cadd_phred_gs.md [genomicScores] --------------- This is a optional section containing list of selected genomic score. scores ______ .. code-block:: ini scores = ,,<...> A comma-separated list of selected genomic scores. If this property is missing then all defined scores in this file are selected. [genomicScores.] ---------------------------- id __ .. code-block:: ini id = Identifier of the genomic score. Default value is from the score section. file ____ .. code-block:: ini file = The absolute path to the score's histogram file. desc ____ .. code-block:: ini desc = A brief description of the genomic score. bins ____ .. code-block:: ini bins = The amount of bins in the score's histogram. The value must be an integer. yscale ______ .. code-block:: ini yscale = The scale for the Y axis of the score's histogram. xscale ______ .. code-block:: ini xscale = The scale for the X axis of the score's histogram. range _____ .. code-block:: ini range = <,> The range domain of the score - its lowest and largest possible values separated by a comma. help_file _________ .. code-block:: ini help_file = The absolute path to the score's help file in markdown format.