.. _denovo_gene_sets_section: Denovo Gene Sets Section ======================== The configuration section for denovo gene sets follows the general INI format. Its name must be ``denovoGeneSets`` - this will indicate that it is a denovo gene sets configuration section. This configuration section must properly describe one or more denovo gene sets for one study. This is an optional section. Example Configuration --------------------- .. code-block:: ini [denovoGeneSets] enabled = yes peopleGroups = status standardCriterias.effect_types.segments=LGDs:LGDs,Missense:missense,Synonymous:synonymous standardCriterias.sexes.segments=Female:F,Male:M,Unspecified:U recurrencyCriteria.segments=Single:1:2,Triple:3:-1,Recurrent:2:-1 geneSetsNames=LGDs,LGDs.Male,LGDs.Female,LGDs.Recurrent,LGDs.Single,LGDs.Triple, Missense,Missense.Male,Missense.Female,Missense.Recurrent,Missense.Triple, Synonymous,Synonymous.Male,Synonymous.Female,Synonymous.Recurrent,Synonymous.Triple [denovoGeneSets] ---------------- The properties for this section are explained below. peopleGroups ____________ .. code-block:: ini peopleGroups = ``peopleGroups`` is a comma-separated list of ids of people groups (defined in the :ref:`people_group_section` section in the study config), indicating which people groups to generate denovo gene sets for. standardCriterias..segments _________________________________________________ .. FIXME: Add link to `here` reference for variants querying filters. .. code-block:: ini standardCriterias..segments = <<:>,<:>,<...>> This property defines standard criteria segments indicating a group of genes and their families. The configured standard criterias can be combined together, or with ``recurrencyCriteria``, in the ``geneSetsNames`` property in this section. The combinations will then be added as groups of denovo gene sets (which will be available in the ``Gene Sets`` filter in the ``Genotype Browser`` of the study). Elements of the standard criteria segments are: * ```` indicates the id of the standard criteria. The id must be one of the defined filters by which you can query variants in the backend. The possible filters are defined here. * ```` indicates the display name of the group defined by this standard criteria. * ```` indicates the value used when querying variants for the denovo gene set group defined by this standard criteria. recurrencyCriteria.segments ___________________________ .. FIXME: Fill me .. code-block:: ini recurrencyCriteria.segments = <> geneSetsNames _____________ .. code-block:: ini geneSetsNames = <<..<...>>,<...>> The names of denovo gene set combinations which are defined by combining ``standardCriterias`` and/or ``recurrencyCriteria``. This name represents the configuration of the denovo gene set. All combinations listed here will be available in the ``Gene Sets`` filter in the ``Genotype Browser`` of the study. enabled _______ .. code-block:: ini enabled = DEFAULT ``True`` This property enables the denovo gene sets functionality for the study. This property takes a :ref:`boolean ` value.