.. _people_group_section: People Group Section ==================== The configuration section for a people group follows the general INI format. Its name must be ``peopleGroup`` - this will indicate that it is a people group configuration section. This configuration section must properly describe a people groups used by one study. This is an optional section. Example Configuration --------------------- .. code-block:: ini [peopleGroup] selectedPeopleGroupValues = status status.name = Affected Status status.domain = affected:affected:#e35252, unaffected:unaffected:#ffffff status.default = unspecified:unspecified:#aaaaaa status.source = status [peopleGroup] ------------- Every defined people group represents a group of people based on the values in the pedigree file column ``.source``. The properties for this section are explained below. selectedPeopleGroupValues _________________________ .. code-block:: ini selectedPeopleGroupValues = A comma-separated list of selected people groups. If this property is missing then all defined people groups in this section are selected. .. _people_group_selector: .id ____________________ .. code-block:: ini .id = Identifier of the people group. Default value is ```` from the people group property name. .name ______________________ .. code-block:: ini .name = Indicates the display name of the people group. .domain ________________________ .. code-block:: ini .domain = <<::>,<...>> The domain property maps display names and colors to the set of values present in the ``.source`` column in the pedigree file. These are the elements of each mapping: * ```` selects the value from the column. * ```` indicates the display name of the people group element. * ```` indicates the display color of the people group element. .default _________________________ .. code-block:: ini .default = <<::people group element color>> This property is defined in the same way as a single mapping from the ``.domain`` property. It is applied to any value in the column from the pedigree file for which there is no mapping defined in the ``.domain`` property. .source ________________________ .. code-block:: ini .source = This property defines the source of the people group. This source is one of the columns from the pedigree file.