System Configuration ==================== Common configuration information -------------------------------- ConfigParser ____________ For parsing all of the system configurations we use slightly modified version of `ConfigParser `_ which you can find :ref:`here `. All of the configurations follows the general INI format for which you can see more `here `_. In all configuration files you can add ``[DEFAULT]`` section which is supported by the ``ConfigParser``. Interpolation _____________ You can use interpolation values when specifying filepaths. You can use for this purpose ``work_dir`` and ``wd`` which are added by a parsers to all of the configurations as default values for all of the sections. Path of the ``work_dir`` and ``wd`` is the same is the path to the directory containing the configuration file. .. _configuration_selectors: Selectors _________ Configuration files may contain nested values whose root name is called a "selector" (e.g. sel.val1, sel.val2). Selectors are essentially just nested dictionaries. We will refer to the dictionaries nested within as "entries". Selectors and their contents are parsed as a Python dictionary. You can see an example of a selector in the people group configuration :ref:`here `. Common documentation information -------------------------------- Within the configuration documentation, some properties have miscellaneous information about them defined below the property signature. This information can be about entries such as default values and environment overrides. Currently, there are: * ``DEFAULT`` - This information option defines default value of the property which is set in the code. * ``ENVIRONMENT OVERRIDE`` - This information option defines name of the environment variable which can override property from the configuration. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 configuration/dae configuration/studies_and_datasets_db_configuration configuration/genomesDB configuration/genomicScores configuration/annotation configuration/pheno configuration/regression configuration/geneInfo configuration/defaultConfiguration configuration/study_and_dataset_configuration configuration/allowed_values