Enrichment Tool =============== Example usage of :class:`EnrichmentTool ` class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First select studies to use:: In [1]: from DAE import vDB In [2]: studies = vDB.get_studies('ALL WHOLE EXOME') In [3]: denovo_studies = [st for st in studies if 'WE' == st.get_attr('study.type')] In [4]: autism_studies = [st for st in denovo_studies if 'autism' == st.get_attr('study.phenotype')] Then create a background model object:: In [5]: from enrichment_tool.background import SamochaBackground In [6]: background = SamochaBackground() After that create a counter object:: In [7]: from enrichment_tool.event_counters import GeneEventsCounter In [8]: counter = GeneEventsCounter() Create an enrichment tool:: In [9]: from enrichment_tool.tool import EnrichmentTool In [10]: tool = EnrichmentTool(background, counter) Select a gene set to work with:: In [11]: from DAE import get_gene_sets_symNS In [12]: gt = get_gene_sets_symNS('main') In [13]: gene_set = gt.t2G['chromatin modifiers'].keys() And then we are ready to perform the actual calculations:: In [14]: res = tool.calc(autism_studies, 'prb', 'LGDs', gene_set) The result is a dictionary. The keys in the dictionary are:: In [16]: res.keys() Out[16]: ['rec', 'all', 'male', 'female'] Each value in the dictionary is an instance of the class :class:`EnrichmentResult `:: In [19]: r = res['rec'] In [20]: len(r.events) Out[20]: 39 In [21]: len(r.overlapped) Out[21]: 9 In [22]: r.expected Out[22]: 0.8992414922169882 In [23]: r.pvalue Out[23]: 9.4660348870512223e-07 Classes and Functions --------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 modules/dae.pheno_tool