Genotype Storage ================ To store and query genomic variants, we use genotype storage. There are two interfaces that define genotype storage: * :class:`dae.genotype_storage.genotype_storage.GenotypeStorage` that defines how to use the storage for querying genomic variants; * :class:`dae.import_tools.import_tools.ImportStorage` that defines how to import genomic variants into the storage. When you want to create new genotype storage, you have to create two classes - a genotype storage class that inherits the :class:`dae.genotype_storage.genotype_storage.GenotypeStorage` and an import storage class that inherits :class:`dae.import_tools.import_tools.ImportStorage`. Once created, you should register these classes in the two extension points defined in the ``: * for genotype storage class use `[dae.genotype_storage.factories]` extenstion point; * for import storage class use `[dae.import_tools.storages]` extenstion point. As an example of genotype storage definitions, you can check the following pairs of classes: * Filesystem storage (`filesystem` storage type): * genotype storage :class:`dae.filesystem_storage.in_memory.filesystem_genotype_storage.FilesystemGenotypeStorage` * import storage: :class:`dae.filesystem_storage.in_memory.filesystem_import_storage.FilesystemImportStorage` * Impala schema 1 storage (`impala` storage type): * genotype storage :class:`dae.impala_storage.schema1.impala_genotype_storage.ImpalaGenotypeStorage` * import storage: :class:`dae.impala_storage.schema1.impala_schema1.ImpalaSchema1ImportStorage` * Impala schema 2 storage (`impala2` storage type): * genotype storage :class:`dae.impala_storage.schema2.schema2_genotype_storage.Schema2GenotypeStorage` * import storage: :class:`dae.impala_storage.schema1.schema2_import_storage.Schema2ImportStorage` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 modules/dae.genotype_storage