Phenotype Regression Configuration

A phenotype regression configuration file is used when generating the phenotype browser’s database files for a given study or dataset. It determines which measures to construct regressions against. The format follows the general INI style. Regression configurations can be created as a separate file or embedded in a phenotype database’s own configuration file for ease of access.

Example Configuration

instrument_name = common
measure_name = age_at_assessment
jitter = 0.1
display_name = age at assessment

instrument_name = common
measure_name = nonverbal_iq
jitter = 0.1
display_name = nonverbal iq


Each regression is configured by a section with a name such as [regression.<regression_name>], where regression_name is a user-selected name for the regression. The key-value pairs of a regression section are as follows.


instrument_name = <pheno instrument name>

This is the name of the instrument to which the regressor (or exogenous/independent) measure belongs to. It can be left empty to indicate that the measure is present in all instruments.


measure_name = <pheno measure name>

This is the name of the regressor measure.


jitter = <jitter float value>

A float value that determines the amount of jitter to apply to points when drawing the regression plot. The default value is 0.1.


display_name = <pheno regression display name>

Determines the name of the regression’s column in the phenotype browser.