GPF User Management

All options concerning User Management can only be found by admin users in the Management tab from the upper left corner menu

Open sidebar menu.

Management menu

Open Management page.

User management menu


Interacting with users is achieved via the Users category in the Management tab from the menu. Every user is represented by a row on the table shown in the Users category.

How to create a new user?

Above users management table click on Create user.

User list table

Enter name and email of the new user, then click Create.

User list table
User list table

The new user will show on top of the users table ready to be edited further.

User list table


To login with the new user a password must be set. This could be accomplished from:
  • The login interface by clicking on Forgotten password.

  • The Users Management table by clicking on a user’s Reset password button.

How to specify permissions for a given user?

Find the user then click on the Add button in the Groups column

Interface for editing user groups

A small menu will appear, that lists all unadded groups. Search the group and click on it.

Interface for editing user groups

The group will now appear in the list of groups in the Groups column. To now remove it click on the small x button to the right of the group and then confirm removal.

Interface for editing user groups

Reset password

Clicking on the left icon in the Actions column, resets the password of the user shown on the current row. This button will send the user in question an email with a corresponding link, obligating them to choose a new password for their account.

Interface for editing user groups

Delete user

Clicking on the utmost right X button in the Actions column, deletes the user shown on the current row.

Interface for editing user groups

Edit user name

Clicking on the pencil icon in the User column, allows editing the name of the user shown on the current row.

Interface for editing user groups

Input field will show showing the current user name.

Interface for editing user groups

Change it to something else (cannot use empty names or names that are too short) and press enter.

Interface for editing user groups


Groups are entities that associate users with datasets. If a user wishes to access a certain dataset, he has to belong to a group containing that dataset. Users and datasets can be in multiple groups simultaneously. The easiest way to add multiple users and datasets to a group is through the groups table view.

When a new user or dataset is created, they are automatically assigned to groups with their corresponding names.

Example of newly added user

Example of newly added user

Special Groups


Users assigned to the admin group, have all permissions. Only admin users can view or interact with other users, groups or datasets.

Anonymous is a group that all unregistered users belong to. They lack permissions for accessing most of the datasets. Inaccessible datasets are shown in grey color.

Example of a dataset accessible to all users

Example of a dataset accessible to all users


Datasets could belong to a group called hidden. This group indicates which datasets should stay hidden (instead of showing them in grey color) in the dropdown menu on the dataset page for users without access permissions.

Example of a hidden dataset

Example of a hidden dataset, visible after user is logged in

In this case, Denovo DB Dataset is an option for the registered user, as opposed to when an anonymous user is opening the menu in the previous example.

Any user

Certain datasets are visible to every registered user. They belong to the any_user group which is automatically assigned to every account and cannot be removed.

Any dataset

any_dataset is a group that contains all of the available datasets. Admins are usually subscribed to this group.

Creating group

In the Groups tab on the Management menu, above groups management table click on Create group.

Interface for editing user groups
Interface for editing user groups

Type the new group name and press create.

Interface for editing user groups

To finish group creation you need to add at least one user or one dataset to the group, because empty groups cannot exist.

Interface for editing user groups

Adding users and dataset to group

Find the group you want to edit then add users and datasets through the Add buttons in users and datasets columns.

Interface for editing user groups

Dataset access

In the Datasets tab on the Management menu, admins can observe information about which users have access to a dataset or which groups does a dataset belong to. The easiest way to add a dataset to multiple groups is through the Datasets table view.

Interface for editing user groups

Adding group to a dataset

Find the dataset you want to edit then add groups through the Add button in group column.

Interface for editing user groups