Source code for dae.annotation.annotation_factory

"""Factory for creation of annotation pipeline."""

# import collections
import copy
import fnmatch
import logging
from collections import Counter
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional

import yaml

from dae.annotation.annotation_pipeline import (
from dae.genomic_resources import build_genomic_resource_repository
from dae.genomic_resources.repository import GenomicResourceRepo

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    str, Callable[[AnnotationPipeline, AnnotatorInfo], Annotator]] = {}

def _load_annotator_factory_plugins() -> None:
    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    from importlib_metadata import entry_points
    discovered_entries = entry_points(group="dae.annotation.annotators")
    for entry in discovered_entries:
        annotator_type =
        factory = entry.load()
        if annotator_type in _ANNOTATOR_FACTORY_REGISTRY:
                "overwriting annotator type: %s", annotator_type)
        _ANNOTATOR_FACTORY_REGISTRY[annotator_type] = factory

[docs]def get_annotator_factory( annotator_type: str, ) -> Callable[[AnnotationPipeline, AnnotatorInfo], Annotator]: """Find and return a factory function for creation of an annotator type. If the specified annotator type is not found, this function raises `ValueError` exception. :return: the annotator factory for the specified annotator type. :raises ValueError: when can't find an annotator factory for the specified annotator type. """ _load_annotator_factory_plugins() if annotator_type not in _ANNOTATOR_FACTORY_REGISTRY: raise ValueError(f"unsupported annotator type: {annotator_type}") return _ANNOTATOR_FACTORY_REGISTRY[annotator_type]
[docs]def get_available_annotator_types() -> List[str]: """Return the list of all registered annotator factory types.""" _load_annotator_factory_plugins() return list(_ANNOTATOR_FACTORY_REGISTRY.keys())
[docs]def register_annotator_factory( annotator_type: str, factory: Callable[[AnnotationPipeline, AnnotatorInfo], Annotator], ) -> None: """Register additional annotator factory. By default all genotype storage factories should be registered at `[dae.genotype_storage.factories]` extenstion point. All registered factories are loaded automatically. This function should be used if you want to bypass extension point mechanism and register addition genotype storage factory programatically. """ _load_annotator_factory_plugins() if annotator_type in _ANNOTATOR_FACTORY_REGISTRY: logger.warning("overwriting annotator type: %s", annotator_type) _ANNOTATOR_FACTORY_REGISTRY[annotator_type] = factory
[docs]class AnnotationConfigParser: """Parser for annotation configuration."""
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize(pipeline_config: List[Any]) -> List[Dict]: """Return a normalized annotation pipeline configuration.""" result = [] for config in pipeline_config: if isinstance(config, str): config = { config: {}, } assert isinstance(config, dict) assert len(config) == 1 annotator_type, config = next(iter(config.items())) if not isinstance(config, dict): assert isinstance(config, str) # handle score annotators short form config = {"resource_id": config} assert isinstance(config, dict) config["annotator_type"] = annotator_type result.append(config) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def match_labels_query( query: dict[str, str], resource_labels: dict[str, str], ) -> bool: """Check if the labels query for a wildcard matches.""" for k, v in query.items(): if k not in resource_labels \ or not fnmatch.fnmatch(resource_labels[k], v): return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def query_resources( annotator_type: str, wildcard: str, grr: GenomicResourceRepo, ) -> list[str]: """Collect resources matching a given query.""" result = [] labels_query: dict[str, str] = {} # Handle querying by labels if wildcard.endswith("]"): assert "[" in wildcard wildcard, raw_labels = wildcard.split("[") labels = raw_labels.strip("]").split(" and ") for label in labels: k, v = label.split("=") labels_query[k] = v for resource in grr.get_all_resources(): if (resource.get_type() == annotator_type and fnmatch.fnmatch(resource.get_id(), wildcard) and AnnotationConfigParser.match_labels_query( labels_query, resource.get_labels())): result.append(resource.get_id()) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def has_wildcard(string: str) -> bool: """Ascertain whether a string contains a valid wildcard.""" if "*" in string: if "[" not in string or string.index("*") < string.index("["): # We assert that at least one wildcard symbol is present # in the resource id itself, since '*' can also be used # in the label query as well. return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_minimal(raw: str, idx: int) -> AnnotatorInfo: """Parse a minimal-form annotation config.""" return AnnotatorInfo(raw, [], {}, annotator_id=f"A{idx}")
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_short( raw: dict[str, Any], idx: int, grr: Optional[GenomicResourceRepo] = None, ) -> list[AnnotatorInfo]: """Parse a short-form annotation config.""" ann_type, ann_details = next(iter(raw.items())) if AnnotationConfigParser.has_wildcard(ann_details): assert grr is not None matching_resources = AnnotationConfigParser.query_resources( ann_type, ann_details, grr, ) return [ AnnotatorInfo( ann_type, [], {"resource_id": resource}, annotator_id=f"A{idx}_{resource}", ) for resource in matching_resources ] return [ AnnotatorInfo( ann_type, [], {"resource_id": ann_details}, annotator_id=f"A{idx}", ), ]
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_complete(raw: dict[str, Any], idx: int) -> AnnotatorInfo: """Parse a full-form annotation config.""" ann_type, ann_details = next(iter(raw.items())) attributes = [] if "attributes" in ann_details: attributes = AnnotationConfigParser.parse_raw_attributes( ann_details["attributes"], ) parameters = {k: v for k, v in ann_details.items() if k != "attributes"} return AnnotatorInfo( ann_type, attributes, parameters, annotator_id=f"A{idx}", )
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_raw( pipeline_raw_config: Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]], grr: Optional[GenomicResourceRepo] = None, ) -> list[AnnotatorInfo]: """Parse raw dictionary annotation pipeline configuration.""" if pipeline_raw_config is None: logger.warning("empty annotation pipeline configuration") return [] if not isinstance(pipeline_raw_config, list): raise AnnotationConfigurationError( "The annotation is not a list of annotator configurations.") result = [] for idx, raw_cfg in enumerate(pipeline_raw_config): if isinstance(raw_cfg, str): # the minimal annotator configuration form result.append( AnnotationConfigParser.parse_minimal(raw_cfg, idx), ) continue if isinstance(raw_cfg, dict): ann_details = next(iter(raw_cfg.values())) if isinstance(ann_details, str): # the short annotator configuation form result.extend(AnnotationConfigParser.parse_short( raw_cfg, idx, grr, )) continue if isinstance(ann_details, dict): # the complete annotator configuration form result.append( AnnotationConfigParser.parse_complete(raw_cfg, idx), ) continue raise AnnotationConfigurationError(dedent(f""" Incorrect annotator configuation form: {raw_cfg}. The allowed forms are: * minimal - <annotator type> * short - <annotator type>: <resource_id_pattern> * complete without attributes - <annotator type>: <param1>: <value1> ... * complete with attributes - <annotator type>: <param1>: <value1> ... attributes: - <att1 config> .... """)) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_str( content: str, source_file_name: Optional[str] = None, grr: Optional[GenomicResourceRepo] = None, ) -> list[AnnotatorInfo]: """Parse annotation pipeline configuration string.""" try: pipeline_raw_config = yaml.safe_load(content) except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except if source_file_name is None: raise AnnotationConfigurationError( f"The pipeline configuration {content} is an invalid yaml " "string.", error) from error raise AnnotationConfigurationError( f"The pipeline configuration file {source_file_name} is " "an invalid yaml file.", error) from error return AnnotationConfigParser.parse_raw(pipeline_raw_config, grr=grr)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_config_file( filename: str, grr: Optional[GenomicResourceRepo], ) -> List[AnnotatorInfo]: """Parse annotation pipeline configuration file.""""loading annotation pipeline configuration: %s", filename) try: with open(filename, "rt", encoding="utf8") as infile: content = except Exception as error: raise AnnotationConfigurationError( f"Problem reading the contents of the {filename} file.", error) from error return AnnotationConfigParser.parse_str(content, grr=grr)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_raw_attribute_config( raw_attribute_config: dict[str, Any]) -> AttributeInfo: """Parse annotation attribute raw configuration.""" attribute_config = copy.deepcopy(raw_attribute_config) if "destination" in attribute_config: logger.warning( "usage of 'destination' in annotators attribute configuration " "is deprecated; use 'name' instead") name = attribute_config.get("destination") attribute_config.pop("destination") attribute_config["name"] = name name = attribute_config.get("name") source = attribute_config.get("source") if name is None and source is None: raise ValueError(f"The raw attribute configuraion " f"{attribute_config} has neigther " "name nor source.") name = name if name else source source = source if source else name internal = bool(attribute_config.get("internal", False)) assert source is not None if not isinstance(name, str): message = "The name for in an attribute " + \ f"config {attribute_config} should be a string" raise ValueError(message) parameters = {k: v for k, v in attribute_config.items() if k not in ["name", "source", "internal"]} return AttributeInfo(name, source, internal, parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_raw_attributes( raw_attributes_config: Any) -> list[AttributeInfo]: """Parse annotator pipeline attribute configuration.""" if not isinstance(raw_attributes_config, list): message = "The attributes parameters should be a list." raise ValueError(message) attribute_config = [] for raw_attribute_config in raw_attributes_config: if isinstance(raw_attribute_config, str): raw_attribute_config = {"name": raw_attribute_config} attribute_config.append( AnnotationConfigParser.parse_raw_attribute_config( raw_attribute_config)) return attribute_config
[docs]class AnnotationConfigurationError(ValueError): pass
[docs]def build_annotation_pipeline( pipeline_config: Optional[list[AnnotatorInfo]] = None, pipeline_config_raw: Optional[list[dict]] = None, pipeline_config_file: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_config_str: Optional[str] = None, grr_repository: Optional[GenomicResourceRepo] = None, grr_repository_file: Optional[str] = None, grr_repository_definition: Optional[dict] = None, allow_repeated_attributes: bool = False, ) -> AnnotationPipeline: """Build an annotation pipeline.""" if not grr_repository: grr_repository = build_genomic_resource_repository( definition=grr_repository_definition, file_name=grr_repository_file) else: assert grr_repository_file is None assert grr_repository_definition is None if pipeline_config_file is not None: assert pipeline_config is None assert pipeline_config_raw is None assert pipeline_config_str is None pipeline_config = AnnotationConfigParser.parse_config_file( pipeline_config_file, grr=grr_repository) elif pipeline_config_str is not None: assert pipeline_config_raw is None assert pipeline_config is None pipeline_config = AnnotationConfigParser.parse_str( pipeline_config_str, grr=grr_repository) elif pipeline_config_raw is not None: assert pipeline_config is None pipeline_config = AnnotationConfigParser.parse_raw( pipeline_config_raw, grr=grr_repository) assert pipeline_config is not None pipeline = AnnotationPipeline(grr_repository) for annotator_config in pipeline_config: try: builder = get_annotator_factory(annotator_config.type) annotator = builder(pipeline, annotator_config) annotator = InputAnnotableAnnotatorDecorator.decorate(annotator) annotator = ValueTransformAnnotatorDecorator.decorate(annotator) check_for_unused_parameters(annotator_config) check_for_repeated_attributes_in_annotator(annotator_config) pipeline.add_annotator(annotator) except ValueError as value_error: raise AnnotationConfigurationError( f"The {annotator_config.annotator_id} annotator" f" configuration is incorrect: ", value_error) from value_error check_for_repeated_attributes_in_pipeline( pipeline, allow_repeated_attributes, ) return pipeline
[docs]def copy_annotation_pipeline( pipeline: AnnotationPipeline, ) -> AnnotationPipeline: """Copy an annotation pipeline instance.""" infos = [] for annotator in pipeline.annotators: src = annotator.get_info() attributes = [] for src_attr in src.attributes: attributes.append(AttributeInfo(, src_attr.source, src_attr.internal, src_attr.parameters._data, # pylint: disable=W0212 src_attr.type, src_attr.description, src_attr.documentation, )) infos.append(AnnotatorInfo( src.type, attributes, src.parameters._data, # pylint: disable=W0212 "", None, src.annotator_id, )) return build_annotation_pipeline( pipeline_config=infos, grr_repository=pipeline.repository, )
[docs]def copy_reannotation_pipeline( pipeline: ReannotationPipeline, ) -> ReannotationPipeline: """Copy a reannotation pipeline instance.""" return ReannotationPipeline( copy_annotation_pipeline(pipeline.pipeline_new), copy_annotation_pipeline(pipeline.pipeline_old), )
[docs]def check_for_repeated_attributes_in_annotator( annotator_config: AnnotatorInfo, ) -> None: """Check for repeated attributes in annotator configuration.""" annotator_names_list = [ for att in annotator_config.attributes] annotator_names_set = set(annotator_names_list) if len(annotator_names_set) < len(annotator_names_list): repeated_annotator_names = ",".join(sorted( [att for att, cnt in Counter(annotator_names_list).items() if cnt > 1])) raise ValueError("The annotator has repeated attributes: " f"{repeated_annotator_names}")
[docs]def check_for_repeated_attributes_in_pipeline( pipeline: AnnotationPipeline, allow_repeated_attributes: bool = False, ) -> None: """Check for repeated attributes in pipeline configuration.""" pipeline_names_set = Counter( for att in pipeline.get_attributes()) repeated_attributes = { att for att, cnt in Counter(pipeline_names_set).items() if cnt > 1 } if not repeated_attributes: return if allow_repeated_attributes: resolve_repeated_attributes(pipeline, repeated_attributes) return overlaps: dict[str, list[str]] = {} # reversed so that it follows the order of the pipeline config for annotator in reversed(pipeline.annotators): annotator_id = annotator.get_info().annotator_id for attr in annotator.attributes: if in repeated_attributes: overlaps.setdefault(, []).append(annotator_id) raise AnnotationConfigurationError( f"Repeated attributes in pipeline were found - {overlaps}", )
[docs]def resolve_repeated_attributes( pipeline: AnnotationPipeline, repeated_attributes: set[str], ) -> None: """Resolve repeated attributes in pipeline configuration via renaming.""" for rep in repeated_attributes: for annotator in pipeline.annotators: for attribute in annotator.attributes: if == rep: = \ f"{}_{annotator.get_info().annotator_id}"
[docs]def check_for_unused_parameters(info: AnnotatorInfo) -> None: """Check annotator configuration for unused parameters.""" unused_annotator_parameters = info.parameters.get_unused_keys() if unused_annotator_parameters: raise ValueError("The are unused annotator parameters: " f"{unused_annotator_parameters}") for att in info.attributes: unused_params = att.parameters.get_unused_keys() if unused_params: raise ValueError("There are unused annotator attribute " f"parameters: {','.join(sorted(unused_params))}")