Source code for dae.backends.impala.rsync_helpers

import os
import subprocess
import logging

from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RsyncHelpers: """A class containing helper funcs for working with rsync.""" def __init__(self, remote): if not remote.endswith("/"): remote += "/" self.remote = remote parsed_remote = urlparse(remote) self.parsed_remote = parsed_remote if parsed_remote.scheme: assert parsed_remote.scheme == "ssh" self.rsync_remote = remote if parsed_remote.hostname: self.rsync_remote = \ f"{parsed_remote.hostname}:{parsed_remote.path}" if parsed_remote.username: self.rsync_remote = \ f"{parsed_remote.username}@{self.rsync_remote}" self.rsync_remote_shell = None if parsed_remote.port and parsed_remote.port != 22: self.rsync_remote_shell = f"ssh -p {parsed_remote.port}" logger.debug("parsed_remote: %s", parsed_remote)
[docs] def hosturl(self): logger.debug(self.parsed_remote) return urlunparse( ( self.parsed_remote.scheme, self.parsed_remote.netloc, "", # path "", # params "", # query "", # fragment identifier ))
@staticmethod def _exclude_options(exclude=None): if exclude is None: return [] result = [] for ex in exclude: if not ex: continue result.extend(["--exclude", f"{ex}"]) return result def _copy_to_remote_cmd( self, local_path, remote_subdir=None, exclude=None, ignore_existing=False, clear_remote=True): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches exclude = exclude if exclude is not None else [] logger.debug("rsync remote: %s", self.rsync_remote) logger.debug("rsync hosturl: %s", self.hosturl()) cmds = [] if os.path.isdir(local_path): local_dir = local_path if not local_path.endswith("/"): local_path += "/" else: local_dir = os.path.dirname(local_path) if not local_dir.endswith("/"): local_dir += "/" logger.debug("rsync remote: <%s>", self.rsync_remote) rsync_path = "" rsync_remote = self.rsync_remote if remote_subdir is not None: if remote_subdir.startswith("/"): remote_subdir = remote_subdir[1:] rsync_path = os.path.join(self.parsed_remote.path, remote_subdir) rsync_remote = os.path.join(self.rsync_remote, remote_subdir) if clear_remote: if self.hosturl(): cmds.append( [ "ssh", f"{self.parsed_remote.netloc}", f"rm -rf {rsync_path}" ]) else: cmds.append(["rm", "-rf", "{rsync_path}"]) if self.hosturl(): cmds.append( [ "ssh", f"{self.parsed_remote.netloc}", f"mkdir -p {rsync_path}" ]) else: cmds.append(["mkdir", "-p", f"{rsync_path}"]) rsync_cmd = ["/usr/bin/rsync", "-avPHt"] exclude_options = self._exclude_options(exclude) rsync_cmd.extend(exclude_options) if ignore_existing: rsync_cmd.append("--ignore-existing") if self.rsync_remote_shell: rsync_cmd.extend(["-e", self.rsync_remote_shell]) rsync_cmd.extend([local_path, rsync_remote]) logger.debug("rsync command: %s", rsync_cmd) cmds.append(rsync_cmd) return cmds def _copy_to_local_cmd(self, local_path, remote_subdir=None, exclude=None): exclude = exclude if exclude is not None else [] os.makedirs(local_path, exist_ok=True) cmds = [] if not local_path.endswith("/"): local_path += "/" rsync_remote = self.rsync_remote if remote_subdir is not None: if remote_subdir.startswith("/"): remote_subdir = remote_subdir[1:] rsync_remote = os.path.join(self.rsync_remote, remote_subdir) rsync_cmd = ["/usr/bin/rsync", "-avPHt"] if self.rsync_remote_shell: rsync_cmd.extend(["-e", self.rsync_remote_shell]) exclude_options = self._exclude_options(exclude) rsync_cmd.extend(exclude_options) rsync_cmd.extend([rsync_remote, local_path]) cmds.append(rsync_cmd) return cmds @staticmethod def _cmd_execute(commands): for cmd in commands:"executing command: %s", cmd) # argv = [c.strip() for c in cmd.split(" ")] # argv = list(filter(lambda c: len(c) > 0, argv)) logger.debug("executing command: %s", cmd) with subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) as proc: while True: line = proc.stdout.readline() if not line: break line = line.strip() logger.debug(line) logger.debug("command %s finished", cmd) if proc.returncode: logger.error("command %s finished with %s", cmd, proc.returncode) raise ValueError(f"error in {cmd}")
[docs] def clear_remote(self, remote_subdir): """Clear the remote directory.""" cmds = [] rsync_path = "" assert remote_subdir is not None if remote_subdir.startswith("/"): remote_subdir = remote_subdir[1:] rsync_path = os.path.join(self.parsed_remote.path, remote_subdir) if self.hosturl(): cmds.append( [ "ssh", f"{self.parsed_remote.netloc}", f"rm -rf {rsync_path}" ]) cmds.append( [ "ssh", f"{self.parsed_remote.netloc}", f"mkdir -p {rsync_path}" ]) else: cmds.append(["rm", "-rf", f"{rsync_path}"]) cmds.append(["mkdir", "-p", f"{rsync_path}"]) self._cmd_execute(cmds)
[docs] def copy_to_remote( self, local_path, remote_subdir=None, exclude=None, clear_remote=True): """Copy from a local dir to a remote one.""" logger.debug("copying %s to %s", local_path, remote_subdir) cmd = self._copy_to_remote_cmd( local_path, remote_subdir=remote_subdir, exclude=exclude, clear_remote=clear_remote) self._cmd_execute(cmd)
[docs] def copy_to_local(self, local_path, remote_subdir=None, exclude=None): cmd = self._copy_to_local_cmd( local_path, remote_subdir=remote_subdir, exclude=exclude) self._cmd_execute(cmd)