Source code for dae.enrichment_tool.background

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import Counter
import abc
from typing import cast, Iterable

from scipy import stats
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from box import Box

from dae.enrichment_tool.event_counters import \
    overlap_enrichment_result_dict, \

[docs]class BackgroundBase(abc.ABC): """Base class for Background."""
[docs] @staticmethod def build_background( background_kind: str, enrichment_config: Box ) -> BackgroundBase: """Construct a specified type of background.""" if background_kind == "coding_len_background_model": return CodingLenBackground(enrichment_config) if background_kind == "samocha_background_model": return SamochaBackground(enrichment_config) raise ValueError(f"unexpected background: {background_kind}")
def __init__(self, name: str, config: Box): self.background: pd.DataFrame = name assert is not None self.config = config self.load() @property def is_ready(self) -> bool: return self.background is not None
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def load(self) -> None: """Load the background data."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def calc_stats( self, effect_types: Iterable[str], enrichment_results: dict[str, EnrichmentResult], gene_set: Iterable[str], children_by_sex: dict[str, set[str]] ) -> dict[str, EnrichmentResult]: """Calculate the enrichment statistics."""
[docs]class BackgroundCommon(BackgroundBase): """A common background base class.""" @abc.abstractmethod def _count(self, gene_syms: set[str]) -> int: """Count the expected events in the specified genes.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def _total(self) -> int: """Count the total number of expected events.""" def _prob(self, gene_syms: set[str]) -> float: assert self._total > 0 return float(self._count(gene_syms)) / self._total def _calc_enrichment_results_stats( self, background_prob: float, result: EnrichmentResult ) -> None: assert is not None events_count = len( result.expected = background_prob * events_count assert result.overlapped is not None if not result.overlapped: result.pvalue = 1.0 else: assert len(result.overlapped) >= 1.0, result.overlapped binom = stats.binomtest( len(result.overlapped), events_count, p=background_prob ) result.pvalue = binom.pvalue
[docs] def calc_stats( self, effect_types: Iterable[str], enrichment_results: dict[str, EnrichmentResult], gene_set: Iterable[str], children_by_sex: dict[str, set[str]] ) -> dict[str, EnrichmentResult]: """Calculate enrichment statistics.""" gene_syms = set(gs.upper() for gs in gene_set) overlap_enrichment_result_dict(enrichment_results, gene_syms) background_prob = self._prob(gene_syms) self._calc_enrichment_results_stats( background_prob, enrichment_results["all"] ) self._calc_enrichment_results_stats( background_prob, enrichment_results["rec"] ) self._calc_enrichment_results_stats( background_prob, enrichment_results["male"] ) self._calc_enrichment_results_stats( background_prob, enrichment_results["female"] ) return enrichment_results
# class SynonymousBackground(BackgroundCommon): # TRANSMITTED_STUDY_NAME = "w1202s766e611" # @staticmethod # def _collect_affected_gene_syms(vs): # return [ # set(ge["sym"].upper() for ge in v.requestedGeneEffects) # for v in vs # ] # @staticmethod # def _collect_unique_gene_syms(affected_gene_sets): # gene_set = set() # for gs in affected_gene_sets: # gene_set |= set(gs) # return gene_set # @staticmethod # def _count_gene_syms(affected_gene_sets): # background = Counter() # for gene_set in affected_gene_sets: # for gene_sym in gene_set: # background[gene_sym] += 1 # return background # def _build_synonymous_background(self): # genotype_data_study = self.variants_db.get( # self.TRANSMITTED_STUDY_NAME) # vs = genotype_data_study.query_variants( # # inheritance=str(, # ultraRareOnly=True, # minParentsCalled=600, # effectTypes=["synonymous"], # ) # affected_gene_syms = SynonymousBackground\ # ._collect_affected_gene_syms(vs) # base = [gs for gs in affected_gene_syms if len(gs) == 1] # foreground = [gs for gs in affected_gene_syms if len(gs) > 1] # base_counts = SynonymousBackground._count_gene_syms(base) # base_sorted = sorted( # zip(list(base_counts.keys()), list(base_counts.values())) # ) # background = np.array( # base_sorted, dtype=[("sym", "|U32"), ("raw", ">i4")] # ) # return (background, foreground) # def _load_and_prepare_build(self): # pass # def __init__(self, config, variants_db=None): # super().__init__( # "synonymousBackgroundModel", config # ) # assert variants_db is not None # self.variants_db = variants_db # def generate_cache(self): # self.background, self.foreground = \ # self._build_synonymous_background() # def load(self): # self.background, self.foreground = self._load_and_prepare_build() # return self.background # def _count_foreground_events(self, gene_syms): # count = 0 # for gs in self.foreground: # touch = False # for sym in gs: # if sym in gene_syms: # touch = True # break # if touch: # count += 1 # return count # def _count(self, gene_syms): # vpred = np.vectorize(lambda sym: sym in gene_syms) # index = vpred(self.background["sym"]) # base = np.sum(self.background["raw"][index]) # foreground = self._count_foreground_events(gene_syms) # res = base + foreground # return res # @property # def _total(self): # return np.sum(self.background["raw"]) + len(self.foreground)
[docs]class CodingLenBackground(BackgroundCommon): """Defines conding len enrichment background.""" @property def filename(self) -> str: return str(getattr(self.config.background, def _load_and_prepare_build(self) -> pd.DataFrame: filename = self.filename assert filename is not None df = pd.read_csv(filename, usecols=["gene_upper", "codingLenInTarget"]) df = df.rename( columns={"gene_upper": "sym", "codingLenInTarget": "raw"} ) df = df.astype(dtype={"sym": np.str_, "raw": np.int32}) return df def __init__(self, config: Box): super().__init__( "coding_len_background_model", config )
[docs] def load(self) -> None: self.background = self._load_and_prepare_build()
def _count(self, gene_syms: set[str]) -> int: vpred = np.vectorize(lambda sym: sym in gene_syms) index = vpred(self.background["sym"]) res = np.sum(self.background["raw"][index]) return cast(int, res) @property def _total(self) -> int: return cast(int, np.sum(self.background["raw"]))
[docs]def poisson_test(observed: float, expected: float) -> float: """Perform Poisson test. Bernard Rosner, Fundamentals of Biostatistics, 8th edition, pp 260-261 """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name rv = stats.poisson(expected) if observed >= expected: p = rv.cdf(observed - 1) p_value = 2 * (1 - p) else: p = rv.cdf(observed) p_value = 2 * p return cast(float, min(p_value, 1.0))
[docs]class SamochaBackground(BackgroundBase): """Represents Samocha's enrichment background model.""" @property def filename(self) -> str: return cast(str, getattr(self.config.background, def _load_and_prepare_build(self) -> pd.DataFrame: filename = self.filename assert filename is not None df = pd.read_csv( filename, usecols=["gene", "F", "M", "P_LGDS", "P_MISSENSE", "P_SYNONYMOUS"], ) return df def __init__(self, config: Box): super().__init__( "samocha_background_model", config )
[docs] def load(self) -> None: self.background = self._load_and_prepare_build()
[docs] def calc_stats( self, effect_types: Iterable[str], enrichment_results: dict[str, EnrichmentResult], gene_set: Iterable[str], children_by_sex: dict[str, set[str]] ) -> dict[str, EnrichmentResult]: """Calculate enrichment statistics.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals children_stats: dict[str, int] = Counter() for sex, persons in children_by_sex.items(): children_stats[sex] = len(persons) overlap_enrichment_result_dict(enrichment_results, gene_set) ets = list(effect_types) assert len(ets) == 1 effect_type = ets[0] eff = f"P_{effect_type.upper()}" assert eff in self.background.columns, (eff, self.background.columns) all_result = enrichment_results["all"] male_result = enrichment_results["male"] female_result = enrichment_results["female"] rec_result = enrichment_results["rec"] gene_syms = [g.upper() for g in gene_set] df = self.background[self.background["gene"].isin(gene_syms)] p_boys = (df["M"] * df[eff]).sum() male_result.expected = p_boys * children_stats["M"] p_girls = (df["F"] * df[eff]).sum() female_result.expected = p_boys * children_stats["F"] assert male_result.expected is not None assert female_result.expected is not None all_result.expected = \ p_boys * (children_stats["M"] + children_stats["U"]) + \ female_result.expected assert all_result.expected is not None assert all_result.overlapped is not None assert male_result.overlapped is not None assert female_result.overlapped is not None all_result.pvalue = poisson_test( len(all_result.overlapped), all_result.expected ) male_result.pvalue = poisson_test( len(male_result.overlapped), male_result.expected ) female_result.pvalue = poisson_test( len(female_result.overlapped), female_result.expected ) children_count = ( children_stats["M"] + children_stats["U"] + children_stats["F"] ) probability = ((children_stats["M"] + children_stats["U"]) * p_boys + children_stats["F"] * p_girls) / children_count assert is not None assert is not None if len( == 0 or len( == 0: rec_result.expected = 0 else: rec_result.expected = ( children_count * probability * len( / len( ) assert rec_result.overlapped is not None assert rec_result.expected is not None rec_result.pvalue = poisson_test( len(rec_result.overlapped), rec_result.expected ) return enrichment_results