Source code for dae.genotype_storage

import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List

from .genotype_storage import GenotypeStorage

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

    Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], GenotypeStorage]] = {}

[docs]def get_genotype_storage_factory( storage_type: str) -> Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], GenotypeStorage]: """Find and return a factory function for creation of a storage type. If the specified storage type is not found, this function raises `ValueError` exception. :return: the genotype storage factory for the specified storage type. :raises ValueError: when can't find a genotype storage factory for the specified storage type. """ _load_genotype_storage_factory_plugins() if storage_type not in _REGISTERED_GENOTYPE_STORAGE_FACTORIES: raise ValueError(f"unsupported storage type: {storage_type}") return _REGISTERED_GENOTYPE_STORAGE_FACTORIES[storage_type]
[docs]def get_genotype_storage_types() -> List[str]: """Return the list of all registered genotype storage factory types.""" _load_genotype_storage_factory_plugins() return list(_REGISTERED_GENOTYPE_STORAGE_FACTORIES.keys())
[docs]def register_genotype_storage_factory( storage_type: str, factory: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], GenotypeStorage]) -> None: """Register additional genotype storage factory. By default all genotype storage factories should be registered at `[dae.genotype_storage.factories]` extenstion point. All registered factories are loaded automatically. This function should be used if you want to bypass extension point mechanism and register addition genotype storage factory programatically. """ _load_genotype_storage_factory_plugins() if storage_type in _REGISTERED_GENOTYPE_STORAGE_FACTORIES: logger.warning("overwriting genotype storage type: %s", storage_type) _REGISTERED_GENOTYPE_STORAGE_FACTORIES[storage_type] = factory
def _load_genotype_storage_factory_plugins() -> None: # pylint: disable=global-statement global _EXTENTIONS_LOADED if _EXTENTIONS_LOADED: return # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from importlib_metadata import entry_points discovered_entries = entry_points(group="dae.genotype_storage.factories") for entry in discovered_entries: storage_type = factory = entry.load() if storage_type in _REGISTERED_GENOTYPE_STORAGE_FACTORIES: logger.warning( "overwriting genotype storage type: %s", storage_type) if storage_type not in factory.get_storage_types(): raise ValueError("missmatch genotype storage types") _REGISTERED_GENOTYPE_STORAGE_FACTORIES[storage_type] = factory _EXTENTIONS_LOADED = True