Source code for dae.pheno.prepare.measure_classifier

import copy
import enum
from collections import Counter
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, cast

import duckdb
import numpy as np
from box import Box

from dae.pheno.common import MeasureType
from dae.pheno.utils.commons import remove_annoying_characters

[docs]class ClassifierReport: """Class used to collect clissifier reports.""" MAX_CHARS = 32 DISTRIBUTION_CUTOFF = 20 def __init__(self) -> None: self.instrument_name: Optional[str] = None self.measure_name: Optional[str] = None self.measure_type: Optional[str] = None self.count_total: Optional[int] = None self.count_with_values: Optional[int] = None self.count_without_values: Optional[int] = None self.count_with_numeric_values: Optional[int] = None self.count_with_non_numeric_values: Optional[int] = None self.count_unique_values: Optional[int] = None self.count_unique_numeric_values: Optional[int] = None self.value_max_len: Optional[int] = None self.unique_values: Optional[list[Any]] = None self.numeric_values: Union[list[int], np.ndarray, None] = None self.distribution: Any = None
[docs] def set_measure(self, measure: Box) -> "ClassifierReport": self.instrument_name = measure.instrument_name self.measure_name = measure.measure_name self.measure_type = return self
[docs] @staticmethod def short_attributes() -> list[str]: return [ "instrument_name", "measure_name", "measure_type", "count_total", "count_with_values", "count_with_numeric_values", "count_with_non_numeric_values", "count_without_values", "count_unique_values", "count_unique_numeric_values", "value_max_len", ]
def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.log_line(short=True)
[docs] def log_line(self, short: bool = False) -> str: """Construct a log line in clissifier report.""" attributes = self.short_attributes() values = [str(getattr(self, attr)).strip() for attr in attributes] values = [v.replace("\n", " ") for v in values] if not short: distribution = self.distribution assert distribution is not None distribution = [f"{v}\t{c}" for (v, c) in distribution] values.extend(distribution) return "\t".join(values)
[docs] @staticmethod def short_header_line() -> str: attributes = ClassifierReport.short_attributes() return "\t".join(attributes)
[docs] @staticmethod def header_line(short: bool = False) -> str: """Construct clissifier report header line.""" attributes = ClassifierReport.short_attributes() if not short: distribution = [ f"v{i}\tc{i}" for i in range(1, ClassifierReport.DISTRIBUTION_CUTOFF + 1) ] attributes.extend(distribution) return "\t".join(attributes)
[docs] def calc_distribution_report( self, cursor: Optional[duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection] = None, instrument_table_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> list[Any]: """Construct measure distribution report.""" if self.distribution: return copy.deepcopy(self.distribution) assert cursor is not None assert instrument_table_name is not None measure_col = self.measure_name rows = cursor.sql( f'SELECT "{measure_col}", COUNT(*) as count ' f"FROM {instrument_table_name} WHERE " f'"{measure_col}" IS NOT NULL ' f'GROUP BY "{measure_col}" ' f'ORDER BY count, "{measure_col}"', ).fetchall() counts: Counter = Counter() for row in rows: counts[str(row[0])] = row[1] distribution = list(counts.items()) distribution = sorted( distribution, key=lambda _val_count: -_val_count[1], ) distribution = distribution[: self.DISTRIBUTION_CUTOFF] distribution = [ (val[: self.MAX_CHARS], count) for (val, count) in distribution ] if len(distribution) < self.DISTRIBUTION_CUTOFF: ext = [ (" ", " ") for _i in range(self.DISTRIBUTION_CUTOFF - len(distribution)) ] distribution.extend(ext) # type: ignore self.distribution = distribution return copy.deepcopy(self.distribution)
[docs]def is_nan(val: Any) -> bool: """Check if the passed value is a NaN.""" if val is None: return True if isinstance(val, str): if val.strip() == "": return True if type(val) in set([float, np.float64, np.float32]) and np.isnan(val): return True return False
[docs]class Convertible(enum.Enum): # pylint: disable=invalid-name nan = 0 numeric = 1 non_numeric = 2
[docs]def is_convertible_to_numeric(val: Any) -> Convertible: """Check if the passed string is convertible to number.""" if val is None: return Convertible.nan if isinstance(val, str): val = val.strip() if val == "": return Convertible.nan if isinstance(val, float) and np.isnan(val): return Convertible.nan if isinstance(val, bool): return Convertible.non_numeric if isinstance(val, np.bool_): return Convertible.non_numeric try: val = float(val) return Convertible.numeric except ValueError: pass return Convertible.non_numeric
[docs]def convert_to_numeric(val: Any) -> Union[float, np.float_]: """Convert passed value to float.""" if is_convertible_to_numeric(val) == Convertible.numeric: return float(val) return np.nan
[docs]def convert_to_string(val: Any) -> Optional[str]: """Convert passed value to string.""" if is_nan(val): return None if isinstance(val, str): return str(remove_annoying_characters(val)) return str(val)
[docs]class MeasureClassifier: """Defines a measure classification report.""" def __init__(self, config: Box): self.config = config @staticmethod def _meta_measures_numeric( cursor: duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection, table_name: str, measure_name: str, column_type: str, report: ClassifierReport, ) -> ClassifierReport: """Collect measure classification report for numeric values.""" result = cursor.sql(f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {table_name}").fetchone() assert result is not None total = cast(int, result[0]) if column_type in ["FLOAT", "DOUBLE"]: result = cursor.sql( f'SELECT COUNT("{measure_name}") FROM {table_name} WHERE ' f'"{measure_name}" != \'NaN\' AND ' f'"{measure_name}" IS NOT NULL', ).fetchone() assert result is not None real_count = result[0] else: result = cursor.sql( f'SELECT COUNT("{measure_name}") FROM {table_name} WHERE ' f'"{measure_name}" IS NOT NULL', ).fetchone() assert result is not None real_count = result[0] report.count_with_values = cast(int, real_count) report.count_with_numeric_values = cast(int, real_count) report.count_with_non_numeric_values = 0 report.count_without_values = total - report.count_with_values if column_type in ["FLOAT", "DOUBLE"]: result = cursor.sql( f'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "{measure_name}") ' f"FROM {table_name} WHERE " f'"{measure_name}" != \'NaN\' AND ' f'"{measure_name}" IS NOT NULL', ).fetchone() assert result is not None unique_count = result[0] else: result = cursor.sql( f'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "{measure_name}") ' f"FROM {table_name} WHERE " f'"{measure_name}" IS NOT NULL', ).fetchone() assert result is not None unique_count = result[0] report.count_unique_values = unique_count report.count_unique_numeric_values = unique_count rows = cursor.sql( f'SELECT DISTINCT "{measure_name}" FROM {table_name} WHERE ' f'"{measure_name}" IS NOT NULL', ).fetchall() unique_values = [row[0] for row in rows] report.unique_values = unique_values rows = cursor.sql( f'SELECT "{measure_name}" FROM {table_name} WHERE ' f'"{measure_name}" IS NOT NULL', ).fetchall() real_values = [row[0] for row in rows] report.numeric_values = real_values assert ( report.count_total == report.count_with_values + report.count_without_values ) assert ( report.count_with_values == report.count_with_numeric_values + report.count_with_non_numeric_values ) return report @staticmethod def _meta_measures_text( cursor: duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection, table_name: str, measure_name: str, report: ClassifierReport, ) -> ClassifierReport: """Collect measure classification report for text values.""" report.count_with_values = 0 result = cursor.sql( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (" f'SELECT "{measure_name}", ' f'TRY_CAST("{measure_name}" AS FLOAT) as casted ' f"from {table_name} " f'WHERE "{measure_name}" IS NULL OR casted = \'nan\'' ")", ).fetchone() assert result is not None report.count_without_values = result[0] result = cursor.sql( "SELECT COUNT(casted) FROM (" f'SELECT TRY_CAST("{measure_name}" AS FLOAT) as casted ' f"from {table_name} WHERE casted IS NOT NULL AND casted != 'nan'" ")", ).fetchone() assert result is not None report.count_with_numeric_values = result[0] report.count_with_values += result[0] result = cursor.sql( f'SELECT COUNT("{measure_name}") FROM (' f'SELECT "{measure_name}", ' f'TRY_CAST("{measure_name}" AS FLOAT) as casted ' f"from {table_name} WHERE casted IS NULL AND " f'"{measure_name}" IS NOT NULL' ")", ).fetchone() assert result is not None report.count_with_non_numeric_values = result[0] report.count_with_values += result[0] rows = list(cursor.sql( f'SELECT DISTINCT "{measure_name}" FROM (' f'SELECT "{measure_name}", ' f'TRY_CAST("{measure_name}" AS FLOAT) as casted ' f'from {table_name} WHERE "{measure_name}" IS NOT NULL' ")", ).fetchall()) assert rows is not None report.unique_values = [row[0] for row in rows] report.count_unique_values = len(report.unique_values) rows = cursor.sql( f"SELECT casted FROM (" f'SELECT "{measure_name}", ' f'TRY_CAST("{measure_name}" AS FLOAT) as casted ' f"from {table_name} WHERE casted IS NOT NULL AND casted != 'nan'" ")", ).fetchall() report.numeric_values = np.array([row[0] for row in rows]) report.count_unique_numeric_values = len( np.unique(report.numeric_values), ) assert ( report.count_total == cast(int, report.count_with_values) + cast(int, report.count_without_values) ) assert ( report.count_with_values == cast(int, report.count_with_numeric_values) + cast(int, report.count_with_non_numeric_values) ) return report
[docs] @staticmethod def meta_measures( cursor: duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection, table_name: str, measure_name: str, report: Optional[ClassifierReport] = None, ) -> ClassifierReport: """Build classifier meta report.""" if report is None: report = ClassifierReport() result = cursor.sql(f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {table_name}").fetchone() assert result is not None report.count_total = result[0] result = cursor.sql( f'SELECT COUNT("{measure_name}") FROM {table_name}', ).fetchone() assert result is not None report.count_without_values = report.count_total - result[0] rows = cursor.sql(f"DESCRIBE {table_name}") column_type = None for row in rows.fetchall(): if row[0] == measure_name: column_type = row[1] break if column_type is None: raise ValueError( f"Could not find column {measure_name} in {table_name}", ) if column_type in set( [ "TINYINT", "SMALLINT", "INTEGER", "BIGINT", "HUGEINT", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE", "BOOLEAN", ], ): return MeasureClassifier._meta_measures_numeric( cursor, table_name, measure_name, column_type, report, ) if column_type in ["VARCHAR", "DATE", "TIMESTAMP"]: return MeasureClassifier._meta_measures_text( cursor, table_name, measure_name, report, ) assert False, f"NOT SUPPORTED VALUES TYPES {column_type}"
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_to_numeric(values: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Convert value to numeric.""" if values.dtype in set( [ int, float, float, int, np.dtype("int64"), np.dtype("float64"), ], ): return values result = np.array([convert_to_numeric(val) for val in values]) assert len(result) == len(values) assert result.dtype == np.float64 return result
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_to_string(values: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if len(values) == 0: return np.array([]) return np.array([convert_to_string(val) for val in values])
[docs] def classify(self, rep: ClassifierReport) -> MeasureType: """Classify a measure based on classification report.""" conf = self.config.classification if rep.count_with_values < conf.min_individuals: return MeasureType.raw non_numeric = ( 1.0 * cast(int, rep.count_with_non_numeric_values) ) / cast(int, rep.count_with_values) if non_numeric <= conf.non_numeric_cutoff: if rep.count_unique_numeric_values >= conf.continuous.min_rank: return MeasureType.continuous if rep.count_unique_numeric_values >= conf.ordinal.min_rank: return MeasureType.ordinal return MeasureType.raw if ( rep.count_unique_values >= conf.categorical.min_rank and rep.count_unique_values <= conf.categorical.max_rank # and rep.value_max_len <= conf.value_max_len ): return MeasureType.categorical return MeasureType.raw