Source code for

import argparse
import copy
import enum
import glob
import io
import logging
import os
import sys
from import Iterator
from typing import Any, Optional, cast
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, tostring

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml

from dae.gpf_instance.gpf_instance import GPFInstance
from import GenotypeData
from dae.utils.regions import Region
from dae.utils.verbosity_configuration import VerbosityConfiguration
from dae.variants.family_variant import FamilyAllele, FamilyVariant

logger = logging.getLogger("gpf_validation_runner")

[docs]class TestStatus(enum.Enum): NOTSET = 0 PASSED = 1 FAIL = 2 ERROR = 4
[docs]class TestResult: """Encapsulate the result of a test.""" def __init__( self, expectation: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, case: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, test_for: Optional[str] = None, params: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, result: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self.expectation = expectation = case self.test_for = test_for self.params = params self.status = TestStatus.NOTSET self.result = result self.message: Optional[str] = None self.time: Optional[float] = None def __str__(self) -> str: assert is not None case_name =["name"] assert self.expectation is not None filename = self.expectation["file"] out = f"{filename}: {case_name}: {self.test_for} " if self.status == TestStatus.PASSED: out += "PASSED" elif self.status == TestStatus.FAIL: out += f"FAILED: {self.message}," elif self.status == TestStatus.ERROR: out += f"ERROR: {self.message}," return out
[docs] def to_xml_element(self) -> Element: """Convert to an XML element.""" assert is not None assert self.expectation is not None assert self.params is not None assert self.test_for is not None testcase = Element("testcase") case_name =["name"] filename = self.expectation["file"] study_id = self.expectation["study"] target = self.expectation["target"] name = f"Case {case_name}: {self.test_for}" for param, value in self.params.items(): if isinstance(value, list): value_str = ",".join([str(v) for v in value]) else: value_str = str(value) name += f"|{param}[{value_str}]" testcase.set("name", str(name)) testcase.set("time", str(self.time)) testcase.set("filename", filename) testcase.set( "classname", f"{study_id}:{target}:{name}", ) if self.status == TestStatus.PASSED: pass elif self.status == TestStatus.FAIL: failure = Element("failure") failure.set( "message", f"{self.message}") testcase.append(failure) elif self.status == TestStatus.ERROR: error = Element("error") error.set( "message", f"{self.message}") testcase.append(error) return testcase
[docs]class TestSuite: """A collection of tests.""" def __init__(self, study: str, target: str, name: str) -> None: = study = name = target self.cases: list[TestResult] = []
[docs] def append(self, case: TestResult) -> None: self.cases.append(case)
[docs] def to_xml_element(self) -> Element: """Convert to an XML element.""" testsuite = Element("testsuite") testsuite.set("name", f"{} {}: {}") testsuite.set("tests", str(len(self.cases))) failures = \ len(list( filter(lambda x: x.status == TestStatus.FAIL, self.cases))) testsuite.set("failures", str(failures)) for case in self.cases: testsuite.append(case.to_xml_element()) return testsuite
[docs]class AbstractRunner: """The base class for test runners.""" def __init__( self, expectations: dict[str, Any], gpf_instance: GPFInstance, ) -> None: self.expectations = expectations self.gpf_instance = gpf_instance # self.failed_case_count = 0 # self.passed_case_count = 0 self.test_suites: list[TestSuite] = [] assert self.gpf_instance def _counter(self, status: TestStatus) -> int: count = 0 for suite in self.test_suites: for case in suite.cases: if case.status == status: count += 1 return count @property def failed_case_count(self) -> int: return self._counter(TestStatus.FAIL) @property def passed_case_count(self) -> int: return self._counter(TestStatus.PASSED) @property def error_case_count(self) -> int: return self._counter(TestStatus.ERROR)
# def get_xml(self): # root = Element("testsuites") # for suite in self.test_suites: # root.append(suite.to_xml_element()) # return tostring(root, encoding="utf8", method="xml")
[docs]class BaseGenotypeBrowserRunner(AbstractRunner): """Base class for Genotype Browser Runners.""" def _parse_frequency( self, params: dict[str, Any], ) -> dict[str, Any]: if params is None: return params if "frequency" not in params: return params freq = params.pop("frequency") assert "frequency" not in params, params if freq.get("ultra_rare"): params["ultra_rare"] = True assert "min" not in freq assert "max" not in freq return params assert "max" in freq or "min" in freq, freq freq_min = freq.get("min") freq_max = freq.get("max") params["frequency_filter"] = [ ("af_allele_freq", (freq_min, freq_max))] return params def _parse_genomic_scores( self, params: dict[str, Any], ) -> dict[str, Any]: if params is None: return params if "genomic_scores" not in params: return params scores = params.pop("genomic_scores") assert "genomic_scores" not in params, params result = [] for score in scores: assert "score" in score assert "max" in score or "min" in score, score score_min = score.get("min") score_max = score.get("max") result.append((score.get("score"), (score_min, score_max))) if len(result) == 0: return params params["real_attr_filter"] = result return params def _parse_regions( self, params: dict[str, Any], ) -> dict[str, Any]: if params is None: return None if "regions" in params: regions = [] for region in params["regions"]: reg = Region.from_str(region) regions.append(reg) params["regions"] = regions return params
[docs]class GenotypeBrowserRunner(BaseGenotypeBrowserRunner): """Run Genotype Browser tests.""" def __init__( self, expectations: dict[str, Any], gpf_instance: GPFInstance, detailed_reporting: bool, skip_columns: set, ) -> None: self.detailed_reporting = detailed_reporting self.skip_columns = set(skip_columns) super().__init__(expectations, gpf_instance) def _build_case_expections_filename( self, case: dict[str, Any], dirname: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: case_dirname, _ = os.path.splitext(self.expectations["file"]) if dirname is not None: case_dirname = os.path.join(dirname, case_dirname) os.makedirs(case_dirname, exist_ok=True) return os.path.join(case_dirname, f"{case['id']}.tsv") def _checked_columns(self) -> set[str]: keep = { "af_allele_count", "af_allele_freq", "af_parents_called_count", "af_parents_called_percent", "allele_count", "allele_index", "alternative", "cadd_phred", "cadd_raw", "chrom", "chromosome", "cshl_location", "cshl_variant", "effect_details_details", "effect_details_transcript_ids", "effect_gene_genes", "effect_gene_types", "effect_type", "exome_gnomad_ac", "exome_gnomad_af", "exome_gnomad_af_percent", "exome_gnomad_an", "exome_gnomad_controls_ac", "exome_gnomad_controls_af", "exome_gnomad_controls_af_percent", "exome_gnomad_controls_an", "exome_gnomad_non_neuro_ac", "exome_gnomad_non_neuro_af", "exome_gnomad_non_neuro_af_percent", "exome_gnomad_non_neuro_an", "exome_gnomad_v2_1_1_ac", "exome_gnomad_v2_1_1_af_percent", "exome_gnomad_v2_1_1_an", "exome_gnomad_v2_1_1_controls_ac", "exome_gnomad_v2_1_1_controls_af_percent", "exome_gnomad_v2_1_1_controls_an", "exome_gnomad_v2_1_1_non_neuro_ac", "exome_gnomad_v2_1_1_non_neuro_af_percent", "exome_gnomad_v2_1_1_non_neuro_an", "family_id", "fitcons2_e067", "fitcons2_e068", "fitcons2_e069", "fitcons2_e070", "fitcons2_e071", "fitcons2_e072", "fitcons2_e073", "fitcons2_e074", "fitcons2_e081", "fitcons2_e082", "fitcons_i6_merged", "fvuid", "genome_gnomad_ac", "genome_gnomad_af", "genome_gnomad_af_percent", "genome_gnomad_an", "genome_gnomad_controls_ac", "genome_gnomad_controls_af", "genome_gnomad_controls_af_percent", "genome_gnomad_controls_an", "genome_gnomad_non_neuro_ac", "genome_gnomad_non_neuro_af", "genome_gnomad_non_neuro_af_percent", "genome_gnomad_non_neuro_an", "genome_gnomad_v2_1_1_ac", "genome_gnomad_v2_1_1_af_percent", "genome_gnomad_v2_1_1_an", "genome_gnomad_v2_1_1_controls_ac", "genome_gnomad_v2_1_1_controls_af_percent", "genome_gnomad_v2_1_1_controls_an", "genome_gnomad_v2_1_1_non_neuro_ac", "genome_gnomad_v2_1_1_non_neuro_af_percent", "genome_gnomad_v2_1_1_non_neuro_an", "genome_gnomad_v3_ac", "genome_gnomad_v3_af_percent", "genome_gnomad_v3_an", "linsight", "mpc", "phastcons100", "phastcons100way", "phastcons20way", "phastcons30way", "phastcons46_placentals", "phastcons46_primates", "phastcons46_vertebrates", "phastcons7way", "phylop100", "phylop100way", "phylop20way", "phylop30way", "phylop46_placentals", "phylop46_primates", "phylop46_vertebrates", "phylop7way", "position", "reference", "ssc_freq", "study_name", "study_phenotype", } if self.skip_columns: keep = keep.difference(self.skip_columns) return keep def _cleanup_variant_columns(self, columns: set[str]) -> set[str]: keep = self._checked_columns() return columns.intersection(keep) def _cleanup_allele_attributes( self, vprops: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: keep = self._checked_columns() keys = list(vprops.keys()) for key in keys: if key not in keep: del vprops[key] def _build_variants_df( self, variants: list[FamilyVariant], ) -> pd.DataFrame: records = [] for v in variants: for aa in v.alt_alleles: fa = cast(FamilyAllele, aa) vprops = aa.attributes if "transmission_type" in vprops: del vprops["transmission_type"] if "af_allele_count" not in vprops: vprops["af_allele_count"] = "" vprops["af_allele_freq"] = "" vprops["af_parents_called_count"] = "" vprops["af_parents_called_percent"] = "" vprops["fvuid"] = v.fvuid if fa.effects is None: vprops["effect_type"] = None vprops["effect_gene_genes"] = None vprops["effect_gene_types"] = None vprops["effect_details_transcript_ids"] = None vprops["effect_details_details"] = None else: vprops["effect_type"] = fa.effects.worst_effect vprops["effect_gene_genes"] = \ ",".join([str(g.symbol) for g in fa.effects.genes]) vprops["effect_gene_types"] = \ ",".join([str(g.effect) for g in fa.effects.genes]) effect_details_transcripts = fa.effects.transcripts.keys() vprops["effect_details_transcript_ids"] = \ ",".join(effect_details_transcripts) effect_details_details = [ str(d) for d in fa.effects.transcripts.values()] vprops["effect_details_details"] = \ ",".join(effect_details_details) self._cleanup_allele_attributes(vprops) vprops["chromosome"] = aa.chromosome vprops["position"] = aa.position vprops["reference"] = aa.reference vprops["alternative"] = aa.alternative vprops["family_id"] = fa.family_id vprops["cshl_location"] = aa.details.cshl_location vprops["cshl_variant"] = aa.details.cshl_variant records.append(vprops) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(records) if len(df) > 0: df = df.sort_values( by=[ "chromosome", "position", "family_id", "fvuid", "allele_index", ]) df = df.reset_index(drop=True) with io.StringIO() as inout: df.to_csv(inout, sep="\t", index=False), io.SEEK_SET) df = pd.read_csv(inout, sep="\t") return df # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def _variants_diff( self, variants_df: pd.DataFrame, expected_df: pd.DataFrame, ) -> Optional[str]: if len(variants_df) == 0 and len(expected_df) == 0: return None try: assert set(variants_df.columns) == set(expected_df.columns), ( variants_df.columns, expected_df.columns) assert len(variants_df) == len(expected_df), \ f"expected {len(expected_df)} variants, " \ f"got {len(variants_df)}" variants_df = variants_df.sort_index().sort_index(axis=1) expected_df = expected_df.sort_index().sort_index(axis=1) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( variants_df.sort_index(axis=1), expected_df.sort_index(axis=1), ) except AssertionError as ex: return self._error_reporter(ex, variants_df, expected_df) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.error( "unexpected exception whild running tests", exc_info=True) return None def _error_reporter( self, ex: AssertionError, variants_df: pd.DataFrame, expected_df: pd.DataFrame, ) -> str: with io.StringIO() as out: if not self.detailed_reporting: print("expected:\n", expected_df.head(), file=out) print("actual:\n", variants_df.head(), file=out) print(ex, file=out) return out.getvalue() expected_columns = self._cleanup_variant_columns( set(expected_df.columns)) variants_columns = self._cleanup_variant_columns( set(variants_df.columns)) diff1 = expected_columns.difference(variants_columns) if diff1: print( "columns expected but not found in variants:", diff1, file=out) diff2 = variants_columns.difference(expected_columns) if diff2: print( "columns found in variants but not expected:", diff2, file=out) if diff1 or diff2: return out.getvalue() if all(expected_df.columns != expected_df.columns): print( "columns are in different order: ", "expected>", expected_df.columns, "variants>", variants_df.columns, file=out) return out.getvalue() if len(expected_df) != len(variants_df): print( "different number of variants: ", "expected>", len(expected_df), "variants>", len(variants_df), file=out) return out.getvalue() differences = (expected_df != variants_df).stack() last_printed_idx = -1 for idxs, has_diff in differences.items(): if not has_diff: continue idx, col_name = cast(tuple[int, str], idxs) expected = expected_df[col_name][idx] result = variants_df[col_name][idx] if isinstance(expected, np.float64): if np.isclose(expected, result): continue if isinstance(expected, str): if expected == result: continue if isinstance(expected, np.float64) and \ np.isnan(expected) and np.isnan(result): continue if last_printed_idx != idx: last_printed_idx = idx print( f"Differences in variant #{idx} " f"{expected_df['chromosome'][idx]} " f"{expected_df['position'][idx]} " f"{expected_df['reference'][idx]}->" f"{expected_df['alternative'][idx]} " f"{expected_df['cshl_variant'][idx]} ", file=out, ) print( f"\t{col_name}:\n" f"\t\tExpected: > {expected_df[col_name][idx]}\n" f"\t\tResult: > {variants_df[col_name][idx]}", file=out, ) return out.getvalue() def _execute_variants_test_case( self, case: dict[str, Any], params: dict[str, Any], variants: list[FamilyVariant], ) -> Optional[TestResult]: variants_df = self._build_variants_df(variants) variants_filename = self._build_case_expections_filename(case) if not os.path.exists(variants_filename): return None try: expected_df = pd.read_csv(variants_filename, sep="\t") if len(expected_df) == 0: if len(variants_df) == 0: # match pass else: # mismatch expected_df = pd.DataFrame({}) else: to_remove = set(self.skip_columns) columns = [ c for c in expected_df.columns if c not in to_remove] expected_df = expected_df[columns] except pd.errors.EmptyDataError: expected_df = pd.DataFrame({}) assert len(expected_df) == 0 # df.to_csv(variants_filename, sep="\t", index=False) expected_columns = self._cleanup_variant_columns( set(expected_df.columns)) variants_columns = self._cleanup_variant_columns( set(variants_df.columns)) variants_df = variants_df[list(variants_columns)] expected_df = expected_df[list(expected_columns)] diff = self._variants_diff(variants_df, expected_df) test_result = TestResult( expectation=self.expectations, case=case, test_for="variants", params=params, ) if diff is None: test_result.status = TestStatus.PASSED else: test_result.status = TestStatus.FAIL test_result.message = \ f"\n" \ f"reading expected variants from {variants_filename};\n" \ f"{diff}" return test_result def _execute_count_test_case( self, case: dict[str, Any], params: dict[str, Any], variants: list[FamilyVariant], ) -> TestResult: expected = case["expected"] assert "count" in expected count = expected["count"] variants_count = sum(1 for v in variants) test_result = TestResult( expectation=self.expectations, case=case, test_for="count", params=params, ) if variants_count == count: test_result.status = TestStatus.PASSED test_result.message = "PASSED" else: test_result.status = TestStatus.FAIL test_result.message = \ f"FAILED: expected {count}; " \ f"got {variants_count} variants" return test_result def _case_query_params(self, case: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: if case["params"] is None: return {} params = cast(dict[str, Any], copy.deepcopy(case["params"])) params = self._parse_frequency(params) params = self._parse_genomic_scores(params) params = self._parse_regions(params) return params def _execute_test_case( self, case: dict[str, Any], study: GenotypeData, ) -> tuple[TestResult, Optional[TestResult]]: try: study_id = self.expectations["study"] params = self._case_query_params(case) if study is None: test_result = TestResult( expectation=self.expectations, case=case, test_for="count", params=params, result=None, ) test_result.message = (f"can't find study {study_id}",) test_result.status = TestStatus.ERROR return (test_result, ) variants = list(study.query_variants(**params)) count_result = self._execute_count_test_case( case, params, variants) variants_result = self._execute_variants_test_case( case, params, variants) return (count_result, variants_result) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.debug( "unexpected error %s: %s", study_id, ex, exc_info=True) test_result = TestResult( expectation=self.expectations, case=case, test_for="count/variants", params=params, result=None, ) test_result.message = f"unexpected error {study_id}: {ex}" test_result.status = TestStatus.ERROR return (test_result, None) def _validate_genotype_browser(self) -> None: study_id = self.expectations["study"] cases = self.expectations["cases"] target = self.expectations["target"] name = self.expectations["name"] test_suite = TestSuite(study_id, target, name) self.test_suites.append(test_suite) study = self.gpf_instance.get_genotype_data(study_id) for case in cases: for test_result in self._execute_test_case(case, study): if test_result is None: continue print("\t", test_result) test_suite.append(test_result)
[docs] def store_results(self, dirname: str) -> None: """Store results.""" study_id = self.expectations["study"] cases = self.expectations["cases"] target = self.expectations["target"] name = self.expectations["name"] test_suite = TestSuite(study_id, target, name) self.test_suites.append(test_suite) study = self.gpf_instance.get_genotype_data(study_id) for case in cases: params = self._case_query_params(case) variants = list(study.query_variants(**params)) df = self._build_variants_df(variants) variants_filename = \ self._build_case_expections_filename(case, dirname) print(f"stroring to: {variants_filename}") df.to_csv(variants_filename, index=False, sep="\t")
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Run tests.""" target = self.expectations["target"] study_id = self.expectations["study"] name = self.expectations["name"] assert target == "genotype_browser" print("==================================================") print(f"validating {study_id} {target}: {name}") self._validate_genotype_browser()
[docs]class MainRunner: """Main runner.""" def __init__( self, gpf_instance: GPFInstance, outfilename: str, detailed_reporting: bool, skip_columns: list[Any]) -> None: self.gpf_instance = gpf_instance self.outfilename = outfilename self.runners: list[AbstractRunner] = [] self.detailed_reporting = detailed_reporting self.skip_columns = set(skip_columns)
[docs] @staticmethod def collect_expectations( expectations: str, ) -> Iterator[dict[str, Any]]: """Collect expectations.""" for filename in glob.glob(expectations): assert os.path.exists(filename), filename with open(filename, "r") as infile: res = yaml.load(infile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) for expectation in res: expectation["file"] = filename for case in expectation["cases"]: assert "name" in case case_id = case["name"]\ .replace(" ", "_")\ .replace("-", "_")\ .replace("<", "") \ .replace(">", "") \ .replace("=", "") \ .replace("%", "") \ .replace("(", "") \ .replace(")", "") \ .replace("/", "_") \ .replace("+", "_p_") \ .replace("'", "") \ .lower() case["id"] = case_id seen = set() for case in expectation["cases"]: assert case["id"] not in seen seen.add(case["id"]) yield expectation
[docs] def make_validation_runner( self, expectations: dict[str, Any], ) -> GenotypeBrowserRunner: """Create a validation runner.""" target = expectations["target"] if target == "genotype_browser": return GenotypeBrowserRunner( expectations, self.gpf_instance, self.detailed_reporting, self.skip_columns, ) raise NotImplementedError( f"not supported expectations target: {target}")
[docs] @staticmethod def store_junit_results( runners: list[AbstractRunner], outfilename: str, ) -> None: """Store junit results.""" root = Element("testsuites") for runner in runners: for suite in runner.test_suites: root.append(suite.to_xml_element()) with open(outfilename, "w") as outfile: outfile.write( tostring(root, encoding="utf8", method="xml").decode("utf8"))
[docs] def main(self, expectations_iterator: Iterator[Any]) -> None: """Entry point for this runner.""" self.runners = [] for expectations in expectations_iterator: runner = self.make_validation_runner(expectations) self.runners.append(runner) self.store_junit_results(self.runners, self.outfilename)
[docs] def store_results( self, expectations_iterator: Iterator[dict[str, Any]], dirname: str, ) -> None: for expectations in expectations_iterator: runner = self.make_validation_runner(expectations) runner.store_results(dirname)
def _counter(self, status: TestStatus) -> int: count = 0 for runner in self.runners: # pylint: disable=protected-access count += runner._counter(status) return count @property def failed_case_count(self) -> int: return self._counter(TestStatus.FAIL) @property def errors_case_count(self) -> int: return self._counter(TestStatus.ERROR) @property def passed_case_count(self) -> int: return self._counter(TestStatus.PASSED)
[docs] def summary(self) -> None: """Print a summary of the test results.""" print(100 * "=") print( f"FAILED: {self.failed_case_count}; " f"ERRORS: {self.errors_case_count}; " f"PASSED: {self.passed_case_count}; " f"TOTAL: {self.failed_case_count + self.passed_case_count}") print(100 * "=")
[docs]def main(argv: Optional[list[str]] = None) -> None: """Entry point for the runner script.""" argv = argv or sys.argv[1:] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "expectations", type=str, help="expectation filename or glob", ) parser.add_argument( "--output", "-o", type=str, default="validation-result.xml", help="output filename for JUnit result XML file") parser.add_argument( "--store-results", type=str, help="a directory where to store genotype variants into TSV files") parser.add_argument( "--detailed-reporting", "--dr", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use detailed logging of differences per variant per column") parser.add_argument( "--skip-columns", "--sk", type=str, default=None, help="Comma separated list of columns to skip when comparing with " "expectations") VerbosityConfiguration.set_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.skip_columns is None: skip_columns = [] else: skip_columns = [c.strip() for c in args.skip_columns.split(",")] print("skipping columns:", skip_columns) VerbosityConfiguration.set(args) gpf_instance = main_runner = MainRunner( gpf_instance, args.output, args.detailed_reporting, skip_columns) expectations_iterator = MainRunner.collect_expectations(args.expectations) if args.store_results is not None: os.makedirs(args.store_results, exist_ok=True) main_runner.store_results(expectations_iterator, args.store_results) else: main_runner.main(expectations_iterator) main_runner.summary()
if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])