Source code for dae.utils.regions

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterator, Sequence
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import networkx as nx
import pysam

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MAX_POSITION = 3_000_000_000

[docs]def coalesce(v1: Optional[int], v2: int) -> int: """Return first non-None value.""" if v1 is not None: return v1 return v2
[docs]def bedfile2regions(bed_filename: str) -> list[BedRegion]: """Transform BED file into list of regions.""" with open(bed_filename) as infile: regions = [] for line in infile: if line[0] == "#": continue chrom, sbeg, send = line.strip().split("\t") beg = int(sbeg) end = int(send) regions.append(BedRegion(chrom, beg + 1, end)) return regions
[docs]def regions2bedfile(regions: list[BedRegion], bed_filename: str) -> None: """Save list of regions into a BED file.""" with open(bed_filename, "w") as outfile: for reg in regions: outfile.write( f"{reg.chrom}\t{reg.start - 1}\t{reg.stop}\n")
[docs]def split_into_regions( chrom: str, chrom_length: int, region_size: int) -> list[Region]: """Return a list of regions for a chrom with a given length.""" regions = [] current_start = 1 while current_start < chrom_length + 1: end = min(chrom_length, current_start + region_size - 1) regions.append(Region(chrom, current_start, end)) current_start = current_start + region_size return regions
[docs]def get_chromosome_length_tabix( tabix_file: Union[pysam.TabixFile, pysam.VariantFile], chrom: str, step: int = 100_000_000, precision: int = 5_000_000, ) -> Optional[int]: """ Return the length of a chromosome (or contig). Returned value is guarnteed to be larger than the actual contig length. """ def any_records(riter: Iterator) -> bool: try: next(riter) except StopIteration: return False except ValueError: return False return True try: # First we find any region that includes the last record i.e. # the length of the chromosome left, right = None, None pos = step while left is None or right is None: region = Region(chrom, pos, None) if any_records(tabix_file.fetch(str(region))): left = pos pos = pos * 2 else: right = pos pos = pos // 2 # Second we use binary search to narrow the region until we find the # index of the last element (in left) and the length (in right) while (right - left) > precision: pos = (left + right) // 2 region = Region(chrom, pos, None) if any_records(tabix_file.fetch(str(region))): left = pos else: right = pos return right except ValueError as ex: logger.warning( "unable to find length of contig %s: %s", chrom, ex) return None
[docs]class Region: """Class representing a genomic region.""" def __init__( self, chrom: str, start: Optional[int] = None, stop: Optional[int] = None, ): if start is not None and not isinstance(start, int): raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for start position - {type(start)}") if stop is not None and not isinstance(stop, int): raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for stop position - {type(stop)}") if start is not None and stop is not None: assert start <= stop self.chrom = chrom self._start = start self._stop = stop @property def start(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._start @property def stop(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._stop @property def begin(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.start @property def end(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.stop def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.start is None: return self.chrom if self.end is None: return f"{self.chrom}:{self.start}" return f"{self.chrom}:{self.start}-{self.stop}" def __hash__(self) -> int: return str(self).__hash__() def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Region): return False return bool( self.chrom == other.chrom and self.start == other.start and self.stop == other.stop, ) def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def isin(self, chrom: str, pos: int) -> bool: """Check if a genomic position is insde of the region.""" if chrom != self.chrom: return False if self.start and pos < self.start: return False if self.stop and pos > self.stop: return False return True
@staticmethod def _min(a: Optional[int], b: Optional[int]) -> Optional[int]: if a is None: return b if b is None: return a return min(a, b) @staticmethod def _max(a: Optional[int], b: Optional[int]) -> Optional[int]: if a is None: return b if b is None: return a return max(a, b) @staticmethod def _make_region( chrom: str, start: Optional[int], stop: Optional[int], ) -> Optional[Region]: if chrom is None: return None if start is not None and stop is not None: if start > stop: return None return Region(chrom, start, stop)
[docs] def intersection(self, other: Region) -> Optional[Region]: """Return intersection of the region with other region.""" if self.chrom != other.chrom: return None if self.start is None and self.stop is None: return Region(other.chrom, other.start, other.stop) if other.start is None and other.stop is None: return Region(self.chrom, self.start, self.stop) if self.start is None: assert self.stop is not None return self._make_region( self.chrom, other.start, self._min(self.stop, other.stop)) if self.stop is None: assert self.start is not None return self._make_region( self.chrom, self._max(self.start, other.start), other.stop) assert self.start is not None and self.stop is not None return self._make_region( self.chrom, self._max(self.start, other.start), self._min(self.stop, other.stop), )
[docs] def contains(self, other: Region) -> bool: """Check if the region contains other region.""" if self.chrom != other.chrom: return False if self.start is None and self.stop is None: return True if self.start is None: assert self.stop is not None if other.stop is not None: assert other.stop is not None return bool(other.stop <= self.stop) return False if self.stop is None: assert self.start is not None if other.start is not None: return other.start >= self.start return False assert self.start is not None and self.stop is not None if other.stop is None or other.start is None: return False return self.start <= other.start \ and other.stop <= self.stop
[docs] def intersects(self, other: Region) -> bool: """Check if the region intersects another.""" if self.chrom != other.chrom: return False if self.start is not None and self.stop is not None: if other.start is None or other.stop is None: return other.intersects(self) return not (self.stop < other.start or self.start > other.stop) if self.stop is not None: return other.start is None or self.stop >= other.start if self.start is not None: return other.stop is None or self.start <= other.stop return True
[docs] @staticmethod def from_str(region: str) -> Region: """Parse string representation of a region.""" parts = [p.strip() for p in region.rsplit(":", maxsplit=1)] if len(parts) == 1: return Region(parts[0], None, None) if len(parts) == 2: chrom = parts[0] parts = [p.strip() for p in parts[1].split("-")] start = int(parts[0].replace(",", "")) if len(parts) == 1: return BedRegion(chrom, start, start) if len(parts) == 2: stop = int(parts[1].replace(",", "")) return BedRegion(chrom, start, stop) raise ValueError(f"unexpeced format for region {region}")
[docs]class BedRegion(Region): """Represents proper bed regions.""" def __init__( self, chrom: str, start: int, stop: int, ): assert start is not None assert stop is not None assert stop >= start super().__init__(chrom, start, stop) @property def start(self) -> int: assert self._start is not None return self._start @property def stop(self) -> int: assert self._stop is not None return self._stop @property def begin(self) -> int: return self.start @property def end(self) -> int: return self.stop def __len__(self) -> int: return self.stop - self.start
[docs]def all_regions_from_chrom(regions: list[Region], chrom: str) -> list[Region]: """Subset of regions in R that are from chr.""" return [r for r in regions if r.chrom == chrom]
[docs]def unique_regions(regions: list[Region]) -> list[Region]: """Remove duplicated regions.""" return list(set(regions))
[docs]def connected_component(regions: list[BedRegion]) -> Any: """Return connected component of regions. This might be the same as collapse. """ graph = nx.Graph() graph.add_nodes_from(regions) regions_by_chrom = defaultdict(list) for reg in regions: regions_by_chrom[reg.chrom].append(reg) for _chrom, nds in regions_by_chrom.items(): nds.sort(key=lambda x: x.stop) for k in range(1, len(nds)): for j in range(k - 1, -1, -1): if nds[k].start <= nds[j].stop: graph.add_edge(nds[k], nds[j]) else: break return nx.connected_components(graph)
[docs]def collapse( source: Sequence[Region], is_sorted: bool = False, ) -> list[Region]: """Collapse list of regions.""" if not source: return list(source) regions = copy.deepcopy(list(source)) if not is_sorted: regions.sort(key=lambda x: x.start if x.start is not None else -1) collapsed: dict[str, list[Region]] = defaultdict(list) collapsed[regions[0].chrom].append(regions[0]) for reg in regions[1:]: chrom_collapsed = collapsed.get(reg.chrom) if not chrom_collapsed: collapsed[reg.chrom].append(reg) continue prev_reg = chrom_collapsed[-1] if coalesce(reg.start, 1) <= coalesce(prev_reg.stop, 1): if coalesce(reg.stop, 1) > coalesce(prev_reg.stop, 1): last = collapsed[reg.chrom][-1] collapsed[reg.chrom][-1] = \ Region(last.chrom, last.start, reg.stop) continue collapsed[reg.chrom].append(reg) result = [] for v in list(collapsed.values()): result.extend(v) return result
[docs]def collapse_no_chrom( source: list[BedRegion], is_sorted: bool = False, ) -> list[BedRegion]: """Collapse by ignoring the chromosome. Useful when the caller knows that all the regions are from the same chromosome. """ if not source: return source regions = copy.copy(source) if len(regions) == 1: return regions if not is_sorted: regions.sort(key=lambda x: x.start) collapsed = [regions[0]] for reg in regions[1:]: prev_reg = collapsed[-1] if reg.start <= prev_reg.stop: if reg.stop > prev_reg.stop: prev_reg = BedRegion(prev_reg.chrom, prev_reg.start, reg.stop) collapsed[-1] = prev_reg continue collapsed.append(reg) return collapsed
[docs]def total_length(regions: list[BedRegion]) -> int: return sum(len(regions) for x in regions)
[docs]def intersection( regions1: list[Region], regions2: list[Region], ) -> list[Region]: """Compute intersection of two list of regions. First collapses each for lists of regions s1 and s2 and then find the intersection. """ s1_c = collapse(regions1) s2_c = collapse(regions2) s1_c.sort(key=lambda x: (x.chrom, x.start)) s2_c.sort(key=lambda x: (x.chrom, x.start)) intersect = [] k = 0 for i in s2_c: while k < len(s1_c): if i.chrom != s1_c[k].chrom: if i.chrom > s1_c[k].chrom: k += 1 continue break if coalesce(i.stop, 1) < coalesce(s1_c[k].start, 1): break if coalesce(i.start, 1) > coalesce(s1_c[k].stop, MAX_POSITION): k += 1 continue if coalesce(i.start, 1) <= coalesce(s1_c[k].start, 1): if coalesce(i.stop, MAX_POSITION) >= \ coalesce(s1_c[k].stop, MAX_POSITION): intersect.append(s1_c[k]) k += 1 continue new_i = Region(i.chrom, s1_c[k].start, i.stop) intersect.append(new_i) break if coalesce(i.start, 1) > coalesce(s1_c[k].start, 1): if coalesce(i.stop, MAX_POSITION) <= \ coalesce(s1_c[k].stop, MAX_POSITION): intersect.append(i) break new_i = Region(i.chrom, i.start, s1_c[k].stop) intersect.append(new_i) k += 1 continue return intersect
[docs]def union(*r: list[Region]) -> list[Region]: """Collapse many lists of regions.""" r_sum = [el for list in r for el in list] return collapse(r_sum)
def _diff( regions_a: list[Region], regions_b: list[Region], ) -> list[Region]: result = [] k = 0 for reg_a in regions_a: if k >= len(regions_b): result.append(reg_a) continue if reg_a.chrom < regions_b[k].chrom: result.append(reg_a) continue if coalesce(reg_a.stop, MAX_POSITION) < \ coalesce(regions_b[k].start, 1): result.append(reg_a) continue prev = coalesce(reg_a.start, 1) while k < len(regions_b) \ and coalesce(regions_b[k].stop, MAX_POSITION) <= \ coalesce(reg_a.stop, MAX_POSITION) \ and regions_b[k].chrom == reg_a.chrom: if prev < coalesce(regions_b[k].start, 1): new_a = Region( reg_a.chrom, prev, coalesce(regions_b[k].start, 1) - 1) result.append(new_a) prev = coalesce(regions_b[k].stop, 1) + 1 k += 1 if k < len(regions_b) and regions_b[k].chrom != reg_a.chrom: continue if prev <= coalesce(reg_a.stop, MAX_POSITION): result.append(Region(reg_a.chrom, prev, reg_a.stop)) return result
[docs]def difference( regions1: list[Region], regions2: list[Region], symmetric: bool = False, ) -> list[Region]: """Compute difference between two list of regions.""" if not symmetric: left = collapse(regions1) left.sort(key=lambda x: (x.chrom, x.start)) else: left = union(regions1, regions2) left.sort(key=lambda x: (x.chrom, x.start)) right = intersection(regions1, regions2) return _diff(left, right)